Earlier in my life, I was very dissatisfied with living - severely depressed and anxious nearly all the time. I believed that if the circumstances and details of my life changed, I would feel different - maybe happy. And consequently I was very motivated to find motivational direction that would lead to change.
I read the pop motivational literature. Because I was a therapist, I had access to professional versions of motivational practice - like cognitive therapy, and psycholinguistics. And I went to workshops and seminars, listened to tapes, and watched videos.
Overall much of motivational programming was insightful and interesting. The problem for me was and is that motivational programs assumed certain beliefs that did not work for me.
For example, motivational programming is focused on obtaining specific outcomes as a means of reaching happiness through "success". This did not work for me. Every successful outcome had a trap door that took me straight back to where I started - struggling to reach the carrot of another outcome that was somehow going to make me happy - this time. It was much like an animal in a cage going round and round in an endless wheel of motivated outcomes - going ultimately nowhere.
For me, daily inspirations indirectly takes me to different outcomes. But by changing my perceptual filters and emotional reactions, daily inspirations allows me to begin to actually thrive in the process of living as it is, and not in the illusions and distractions of possible and pursued outcomes -- successes.
The second problem I ultimately had with motivational programs is that they seemed to market the delusion that I can be taught how to control my life --relationships, successes, business, outcomes, etc... It was my belief that if I understood "it", and acted on this understanding, I could control "it" - and my life would be as I believed I wanted it to be. I heard them say over and over again that they were going to teach me to control my life.
In my experience, finding daily inspiration involves developing an inspired relationship beyond myself, that changes the diseased programming of my human brain-damaged perceptual filters -- and allows me to experience a level of serenity and Presence, irregardless of the specific outcomes. Outcomes are actually the scapegoats my brain blames for neural distress. Daily inspirations is about taking responsibility for accessing the spiritual resources necessary to perceive and respond differently.
A third problem was that motivational programs typically assume that thought is the root of all that humanly is -- the basis of getting control of one's life. We supposedly are what we think, and if we change our thoughts we will change our lives.
For me, I have come to see most thought as a drug of distraction that can give periods of relief, but not conscious levels of serenity and Presence.
Thought, I believe is encapsulated suppressed neural energy within my brain. My brain has transformed pain and fear energies in rigid and frozen blocks of energy called thoughts. Then my brain sells these thoughts as being the truth. It is like convincing someone that a picture of someone is actually that person. And for years, I accepted the insanity of such perceptions and conclusions.
Thought neutralized painful neural energies, like crack and alcohol would. And it plunged me deeper and deeper into chronic unconsciousness.
Thought was the psychosis my wounded lost selves used to avoid the pain of my unresolved past - an imaginary place where I could go to stop experiencing life - where I became a mental object in a personal universe. That is until thought could no longer manage the pain that continued to leak out of the cracks in my unconsciousness
Where thought is complete and solid, experience is dynamic and flowing. Where thought operates in an empty vacuum, alone and isolated, experience requires relationships, interaction and sharing, connection - intimacy with self, others, and a higher Presence.
Finding daily inspirations is about learning to experience more and more, and think less and less. Finding daily inspirations is about learning to have fuller and deeper living experiences.
Motivational programs have much to teach and provide in the pursuit of more life. And in my experience, it frequently lacks the fluidity to make life flow and become whole within the process operating instead within the illusion of outcomes.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts
Daily Inspirations Readings, Daily Inspirations Clothing, Daily Inspirations Music
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