Faith is an oasis in the heart
which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.
Kahlil Gibran
In the absence of inspirational spiritual experiences, we pursue an “oasis” of flowing spiritual energies with our brains, and not our hearts. We are left with the dry lifeless sands of endless searchings.
Thought is what my brain does. And it is very capable of being “schizophrenic”. In the absence of true inspirational resources, my brain will create mirages out of thought -- neural energy. And I will live in those hallucinations for long periods of time, rarely if ever wondering if it is really real. Some people live their whole lives in this imaginary world, and never know it is only a mirage.
Many people collect into groups of travelers and follow the same mirages. It is so much easier than struggling to be ourselves – to follow the path of least resistance. And if many others are following the same trail, it must be right. It is like a sign at a crossroads that says “God” and points in one direction, and “Thoughts about God” that points in the opposite direction. It is far easier to “think” God, than to live intimately with higher Presence.
In my experience, where truth and my brain meet is at the point of the conscious human experience of pain. The absence of any experience of conscious pain can only be caused by human mental and spiritual disease – the destruction of sensation within my inner self.
My heart is my deeper self who can hear and experience the inspired “supernatural”. In that cool and shaded place, where there is rest and hope – and inspiring directions to better and better inspirational places of the heart
which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.
Kahlil Gibran
In the absence of inspirational spiritual experiences, we pursue an “oasis” of flowing spiritual energies with our brains, and not our hearts. We are left with the dry lifeless sands of endless searchings.
Thought is what my brain does. And it is very capable of being “schizophrenic”. In the absence of true inspirational resources, my brain will create mirages out of thought -- neural energy. And I will live in those hallucinations for long periods of time, rarely if ever wondering if it is really real. Some people live their whole lives in this imaginary world, and never know it is only a mirage.
Many people collect into groups of travelers and follow the same mirages. It is so much easier than struggling to be ourselves – to follow the path of least resistance. And if many others are following the same trail, it must be right. It is like a sign at a crossroads that says “God” and points in one direction, and “Thoughts about God” that points in the opposite direction. It is far easier to “think” God, than to live intimately with higher Presence.
In my experience, where truth and my brain meet is at the point of the conscious human experience of pain. The absence of any experience of conscious pain can only be caused by human mental and spiritual disease – the destruction of sensation within my inner self.
My heart is my deeper self who can hear and experience the inspired “supernatural”. In that cool and shaded place, where there is rest and hope – and inspiring directions to better and better inspirational places of the heart

Inspirational Jewelry and Gifts .
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