Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Darkness of Boredom Requires Daily Inspirations

Living is an endlessly creative process in which we work on achieving the life we want through our willingness to be who we would like to be… Spiritually, there is a lesson in every moment: When we are seemingly stuck in a boring routine, the miracle lies not so much in finding something else to do as in realizing how much we can do in any single moment – through the power of our own consciousness – to transform ourselves and the world around us. According to A Course in Miracles, only what we are not giving can be lacking in any situation.
Marianne Williamson

Daily inspirations are filled with precious moments of intimate experience with the higher Presence with our God. What we are missing can produce depression, anxiety, and rage – pain. We need to learn to listen to God’s voice in the sounds and words of others’ voices. Marianne Williamson has been such a voice for me over many years.

Two elements, in my experience, makes the words of others produce the most powerful daily inspirations filled with the most precious moments of God’s Presence.
1. When someone speaks from their experience, strength, and hope, rather than their knowledge, intellect, and reasoning, their words can carry a presence that transcends the thought of their words.
2. When I have a conscious clarity that I cannot grasp, understand, or control my life with my mind, something inside me opens and I begin to receive vast qualities of loving Presence.

Daily inspirations carry an energy, which exceeds the neural energies of our brains. Our intellect dwarfs in the intimate Presence of our God, and we experience awarenesses that our minds could never have produced. In the precious moments of our connection with our God, we experience changes within our perceptions and reactions. Old things become new. Damaged areas of our past begin to heal. Confusion, chaos, and conflict begin to subside, and we am deeply engulfed in a warmth which transcends matter and thought – we am reborn – over and over again -- to new and better livings.

I would encourage you to breathe deeply, and absorb the Presence in these words, and the voices of others who find you.

For the complete article, click here The Darkness of Boredom.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Poetic Presence -- Inspirational Life Quotes and Daily Inspirations

Presence, a glowing beam of energizing lightness.
A space between times and timeslessness,
where words trickle past like falling rain,
dampening the ground of mindfulness
with wetness that cannot be found
in spacious minds of vacant souls.
My lips sealed with repeating thinking,
I stand staggered by the force,
windless brushings from a world that flows
fluid and strong beyond my minds’ vision and touch.
Presence -- someone there in the stillness.
Quietly in my stirrings,
hopefully waiting—
that I will open my heart’s door
and be filled with their Presence.
Steady and true,
I hold my heart’s hand to their face,
they lift me from my deafening terrors
into warmths of their Presence.
Precious and strong and healing and flowing—
unresisted by my restless storms.
My soul rests,
in the warming arms of their expansive love and caring.

Will W.

For complete article click on Poetic Presence -- Daily Inspirations

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We Find What We Are Looking For - Reprogramming Our Minds with Daily Inspirations

What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
John Lubbock

The quality of our lives is determined by our emotional reactions to life events and circumstances. Our emotional reactions are produced by our mental perceptions of those life events and circumstance. Our perceptions are created by the programming, from past life experiences, of neural pathways in our brain – active and operating memories.

So basically the quality of our lives is determined by what our brains are programmed to look for. And this programming determines the conclusions we make about what we see – how we experience our present situation and events.

It is what makes our process of daily inspiration and ongoing spiritual enlightenment so critical to having joyful and precious moments, instead of pain, discomfort, and suffering. Daily inspirations can insert the conscious higher Presence of our God into the neural pathways of our brain, and reprogram our minds with love and serenity.

Three factors are significant about our brain’s storage of past experiences as neural operating programming:
1. Negative life experiences – abandonments -- are given priority programming because the brain perceives them to be related to possible ultimate “death” – total separation and abandonment.
2. The majority of the programming of our brains – the perceptual filters that produce our reactions -- are below the level of conscious thought. So they operate and control our reactions without our consciousness that they are there, and without our ability to consciously change them by will or intent.
3. Spirituality – the conscious daily experiencing of our God’s Presence – can reprogram our unconscious neural pathways, and eliminate the programmed perceptual filters that cause painful and fearful emotional reactions. Pain and fear reminds us of parts of our brain that have not been spiritually healed by God’s loving, unconditional Presence – reminds us of past painful abandonments that we are reliving in the present.

Today, we can feel our feelings – pain, fear, sadness, anger, and even peace and joy – recognizing that our discomforts and fears comes from mental places we cannot consciously control. We can connect with our God’s higher Presence – tell God, others and ourselves about our present experiences, listen to the voice of our God in spiritual readings, the voices of others -- daily inspirations. And we can consciously and deliberately take actions of trust – do the next right thing, act as if we know that God is taking care of us -- maybe just consciously breathe as an act of faith.

God’s Presence can and will reprogram our minds and we will consistently look for the good, and loving, and exciting parts of living. We will see our lives becoming better places by God’s design.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Daily Inspirations Can Give "Get Out of Hell Free Card"

The deepest need of man is the need to overcome his separateness, to leave the prison of his aloneness.
Erich Fromm

We live in a prison – not a palace – when our hearts have not cracked wide open. Buddha

From a spiritual perspective, anything negative that happens has only one purpose: to foster compassion in the human heart. Anything can fuel the fires of compassion if our hearts are open wide enough.
Marianne Williamson

What is human beings’ problem? Why aren’t they happy and at peace?

Our problem is that we are imprisoned within the walls of our separation from others, from our God, and from ourselves. We have been abandoned by the conditionalism of our species and world. We are either right or wrong – which means we are always wrong – never good enough -- and we and others condemn us -- by rejection and judgement -- to the deep, deep dungeons of our lonely selves.

When our deepest need for connection, and unconditional acceptance and companionship are not met, we become separated – locked away in prisons of our aloneness.

To get out – to be reconnected with our God, with ourselves, and with other human beings, our hearts must be cracked open wide. Why? Because in our cracked state of heart the light of God’s Presence enters our inner prisons, and in our desperate openness, we are able to receive the warmth of Their loving, caring, and unconditonal Presence, which frees us from our aloneness.

The brokenness that frees us to be loved and present most frequently comes from negative life experiences. Positive and desirable outcomes lulls us back into the illusion that we have control, that “it” is our fault, and that we have the choice and ability to be good or bad. In this delusion, we can never be considered good -- separation and self imprisonment is always inevitable.

It is my experience that I need to embrace my God’s higher presence through life’s undesirable events – in order to be broken, in order to love others, myself, and my God, and in order to be restored to my Life – to get out of hell and be free.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Freedom Comes from Compassion -- Spiritual Enlightenment

We live in a prison – not a palace – when our hearts have not cracked wide open.

From a spiritual perspective, anything negative that happens has only one purpose: to foster compassion in the human heart. Anything can fuel the fires of compassion if our hearts are open wide enough.
Marianne Williamson

Freedom comes from compassion.

A spiritual perspective comes from living in a consistently conscious and intimate Presence with the God of our personal experience. In order for this to occur, “cracks” – openings created by the force of conscious life experiences within mental perceptual processes – must form within the neural energy network of our brains. These openings, coupled with our God’s Presence, frees lost and abandoned selves to reemerge into spiritual consciousness.

With this freeing of selves comes compassion – an ability to be unconditionally present for others by a conscious sharing of similar painful life experiences. Any life experience can be used to fuel the flames of emerging of conscious Presence – spiritual enlightenment and spiritual healing.

Where there is bondage and constriction, there is an absence of compassion – an absence of connection. Our hearts cannot love and care when they are imprisoned by thought and unconsciousness – conditions of acceptance and rejection.

Compassion connects hearts and minds to each other in ways that words cannot express. And to try to understand returns us to the dungeons of self-protection from which compassion and caring are impossible.

Compassion plugs our beings into an energy and force of love that changes and transforms our lives into light and Presence. We have all been given the “lamp, bulb, and wiring” to glow within others’ lives, but we remain dark until we insert our hearts into God’s Presence. Daily inspirations and experiencing life’s precious moments brings our lives into being within others hearts, and we can share – together – the warmth and change of spiritual enlightenment to our human experiences.

Life experiences offer access to God’s loving Presence so our hearts can be fully opened -- glowing and flowing compassion and caring -- bringing spiritual healing and spiritual enlightenment.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Spiritual Healing and Enlightenment Require Brokenness

We live in a prison – not a palace – when our hearts have not been cracked open wide.

Over twenty-three years ago, I lived with the illusion that I was in control of my life -- my perceptions and reactions. I had become a functional thought addict – an intellectual – and was generally disconnected from my own feelings and reactions.

And then – thought and intellect quit working -- Humpty Dumpty Will fell off the wall of his unconscious denial, and cracked wide open. All the best thinking and all the best reasoning could not put him back together again. I was permanently shattered.

Frequently my thoughts would fantasize about death, and taking my own life. The pain and fear was unbearable – massive waves of hopeless helpless torment and misery. Nothing I did could give any lasting relief.

In this brokenness, someone suggested some things, which I grabbed greedily:
1. It was suggested that I see a therapist who treated therapists. I made an appointment and saw him every week for nearly a year.
2. It was suggested that I attend a spiritual support group for persons struggling with similar problems. I dived in headfirst.

There was no way of knowing then that this cracked and broken condition would eventually bring me to where I have come in the last over twenty years. It has truly become a gift.

My experience, and my observations from watching others, has revealed several things:
1. All human beings are broken and cracked by their human experiences of life. Most people will never experience spiritual healing and spiritual enlightenment because it will never become necessary to do so. The pain and discomfort will never consciously “get that bad”.
2. The first step in spiritual healing and spiritual enlightenment is to experience consciously our being cracked and broken. Without knowing we are sick, there is no need for or interest in Presence and spiritual healing.
3. The way that the human brain prevents someone from becoming consciously cracked, broken and open is by the brain’s inserting unconsciousness and anesthesia into the painful rips and tares within the mind. The element inserted is thought – which causes a generalized and specific dissociation of ourselves from our deeper selves, and therefore, disconnecting a person from consciousness of their own pain.
4. Our heart must be broken in order for love to enter our being and begin to heal our brokenness. A higher Presence – God as we personally experience Him and Her, must penetrate our brains and hearts.

Spiritual healing and spiritual enlightenment involves a reconnecting of our inner selves with ourselves, with our God, and with other human beings.

As much as we are able, we need to allow ourselves to be “cracked” by increasingly experiencing life and our perceptions and reactions. Our brokenness will readily surface when we feel ourselves consciously, and connect conscious with our God’s higher Presence.

Feel ConnectLove. We are not alone.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

True Love Can Be Dangerous Without Daily Inspirations and Spiritual Enlightenment

Person: Hi! What do you did you do for a living?
Other person: I was a CIA secret agent.
Person: Really? So who really shot President Kennedy?
Other person: I would tell you, but I would have to kill you.

I woke up one morning on the cruise – it was still dark – and I started my morning meditation. As I was breathing and “listening” to my God’s Presence, I overheard, in my mind, a conversation between a woman and her romantic partner. The woman had been asked if she could love – really love him. Her response was, “I would love you, but I would have to kill you!”

In this moment, I experienced a startling awareness. As there is “national security”, there is “personal security” – a security that genuine intimacy, interpersonal presence, and loving commitment jeopardizes more than anything else can. And the natural human response to genuine romantic, committed love is fear. And when this “love” exceeds the comfort level of the human brain, the brain will eventually create a resistance which will effectively destroy the other person within the relationship.

Every person, object, and situation in our lives does a combination of two opposite things:
1. First, it or they distract us from ourselves, and lower our consciousness. This is typically experienced as pleasure, relief, attraction, and some form of happiness.
2. Second, it or they make us remember forgotten parts of ourselves – elevate our consciousness – which is most typically scary, painful, and irritating. Our brain is programmed to resist such experiences and relationships, unless they are very distracting.

All relationships do some version of this. So we are unconsciously attracted to primarily distracting relationships, and unconsciously repelled by true intimacy, self disclosure, and “love” – on either side of the relationship. Opposites attract because opposites distract.

Intimacy and self consciousness are instinctively the most terrorifying experiences a human can have. And instinctively, these experiences are avoided by the brain. With increased consciousness the brain reaches neural energy levels above what is perceived as “safe” and acceptable.

Loving someone – really loving someone – is terrorifying. Intimacy literally means “into me see” – they and I will see parts of me that I have hidden from myself and others because of extreme shame – the results of abandonment and rejection.

There is much more to be said later about this truth, but for now, I want us to consider two important factors:
1. Ultimately, the quality of our lives – our perceptions and reactions within this human experience – will ultimately be determined by our capacity to love deeply and intimately. We may maintain a level of delusion that life is good because we live with massive dosages of distraction, but ultimately, we will find ourselves confronted with the emerging awareness that something is very wrong inside – something important is really missing in our lives.
2. Intimacy and deep love are not possible merely by making mental decisions to do so. The part of our brain that makes decisions has no real authority in this area. The “secret agent” inside our brains has been given an overriding authority over the operation of our brains’ perceptions and reactions. We are powerless to love deeply and intimately.

Therefore, the quality of our life is directly proportionate to our ability to love deeply. And we must have a higher means for this to be possible. We can only love as deeply as we are connected intimately to our higher Presence – God as we experience Him and Her.

This truth makes it so important to find daily inspirations, and to experience the spiritual enlightenment of God’s higher Presence in the precious moments of our lives. Only God’s higher Presence allows us to have the spiritual security – serenity – to love and be loved deeply, and not harm others – and ourselves -- in the process.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Finding Rest Through Daily Inspirations and Spiritual Enlightenment

Kathy and I have just gotten back from an eight-day cruise in the East Caribbean. It was really strange to be completely away from the normal constant alertness and responsibility of managing and running a hospital physician’s practice – 24/7.

As we experienced this trip, I journalled everyday, took over a thousand pictures, attended spiritual support groups on the boat, meditated, and generally attempted to remain as conscious as possible to the messages and Presence that were presented within each days events and circumstances.

I would like to share, over the next series of articles, my experience, strength and hope from our trip. Daily inspirations are everywhere – and challenging. There is the loving support and assurance that God is ever Present, but also, the human challenge of becoming increasingly conscious, as we grow more and more aware.

To me, it sometimes feels like someone turned the volume way up to a level of blaring blasts, or turned the lights up till I am blinded by more light than my eyes can process.

I really don’t know any other way to live – and I have to accept that many others have found ways of effectively “living” without this form of consciousness. To these people, I will seem odd, almost like “I see dead people” (which I don’t). I would encourage those who read what I write to take what seems to fit and help, and basically ignore the rest. If you need the rest later, it will probably reappear.

“Come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you REST.”

I have watched others live their lives – seemingly relaxed, unstressed, seemingly unaware of the questions and feelings that I experience on a regular basis. When I speak about my struggles to control outcomes, my feelings and reactions no matter the outcome, and my need to accept what is as perfect and the actual plan of my God, I observe others eyes glazing over, faces going quietly sympathetic – or irritated – and a space becoming conscious and clear between myself and their conscious experience of me.

However, with the higher Presence of my God, I experience a connection of experiences which seems strange -- especially considering that religious theology describes God in such terms that there is no way They have ever experienced the pain and fear of being truly human. I experience Their conscious acceptance and unconditional love as Someone who has experienced human consciousness – fear and pain – just like myself.

In the safety of their loving hearts, I find myself “coming unto them” – coming deeply and intimately into their loving, caring Presence. I experience that they have no conditions for their love, I am always welcomed and invited – and they would prefer and really enjoy if I never left their Presence -- ever.

On the cruise, I found this quiet, loving place in my meditations and journalling. But actually I felt it stronger when I was just setting in a room of people, listening gently to their voices, and experiencing my God’s quiet Presence in the wordless hum and rhythm of their speaking and responding. As I breathed deeply, I experienced an energy, a Presence, a Power beyond myself, without rules or conditions – eagerly waiting for me to feel Their love and companionship – to quietly enjoy each other’s conscious presence.

I am someone who tends to “labor” – to resist what is, try to control outcomes, tries to satisfy the needs and wants of others – and myself. And I fail – and have failed – miserably. My life and others’ lives cannot be controlled. And even when “things” go as I wish, I am still miserably consumed with “laboring” to control the next “thing” or outcome.

No amount of effort and work will ever really make us happy – or give us rest.

The more I have labored, the more “heavy laden” I have become. I increasingly carry the responsibilities and blame for all that occurs, may occur, should have occurred, is about to occur. It is really more than I can bear – and I become lost in the agony of endless struggling to control the uncontrollable – I fall and fail – ultimately – every time. I am crushed and abandoned – by my own conditions and control – the perceptions and reactions of my mind.

Rest. A quiet word – four simple letters – uncomplicated – not intellectual – rest!

In my struggle to control the uncontrollable – to find happiness and love by my own efforts and decisions – I become judged by my own mind, and condemned to restless irritability and discontentedness – I become damned to an abyss of massive overwhelming loneliness – abandonment and rejection.

My God’s higher Presence reverses this diseased process, and in their unconditionally loving hearts and “arms”, I find a “Rest”. I am strangely at home, quietly and steadily loved, and the material world fades more and more into the vapor that it really is.

“Come unto Them and They will give you Rest.” We’ll leave the light on for you.

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Experiencing Change and Grief -- Inspirational Life Quotes

We may neither understand ourselves nor our own behavior while we’re grieving our losses. Then one day, things become clear. The fog lifts, and we see that we have been struggling to face and accept a particular reality… Don’t worry. If we are taking steps to take care of ourselves, we will move through this process at exactly the right pace.
Melody Beattie

The key to finding the miracle inside sadness lies in learning how to allow ourselves to be sad. This is often harder than one would think… In a culture of denial, those who do not deny the depths of their feelings are often branded as fools or hysterics… Crying is often viewed as a waste of time or a sign of weakness…. We no longer give deep cultural permission for the processes of grief… But grief that is suppressed will force its way to expression – whether we want it to or not… So it is that the modern mystic, when experiencing the heartbreak of life, does not avoid the heartbreak nor try to distance from it in the name of spirituality, mental health, or anything else.
Marianne Williamson

In order to accept change and the suffering it brings, we need to find meaning in it.
Mary Norton Gordon

Take time to remember how connected your are. Your are connected not just to the people you’ve met and know, but to all who live, past and present, in this world. Your are part of a dance, the magical dance of the universe taking place each moment in time.
Melody Beattie

Meditation is the attempt to provide the soul with a proper environment in which to grow and become. Morton Kelsey

All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quiet in a room alone.
Blaise Pascal

Concerning the thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”… Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Apostle Paul -- 2 Corinthians 12

Cherish need because it is part of our relationship to God and His Universe. God has planned to meet our every need, has created the need within us, so He could supply it.
Melody Beattie

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Journalling -- November 1, 2009 Inspirational Life Quote and Spiritual Enlightenmnt

(Inspirational Life Quote from meditation readings)
Cherish need because it is part of our relationship to God and His Universe. God has planned to meet our every need, has created the need within us, so He could supply it.
Melody Beattie

Today I am trying to control outcomes – packing, preparing, planning – which suitcase – which things to carry, so that every outcome on the trip is ok. I feel responsible for someone else’s happiness – and that is uncomfortable. I don’t know where balance is – between caring and controlling. Sometimes the line seems very fine and thin – and I can feel by my physical tension that I have crossed over – and I am afraid – afraid that I will be abandoned because I cannot control others’ outcomes. Please help me today. What do I need to know and do today?

Listening. Always, always “listening”. Our voices as a mother’s soothing presence pervading an infant’s fragile and disruptive brain. Quiet stillness – quiet memories appear on the screen of your mind – and you remember – you experience images and energies stored for some unknown reasons in your brain. Verses of a song – without words – lyrics of energy, light – and darkened – shadows appear and disappear as clouds of remembering come and past.
We are Present with you. We love and adore you. Your are our son and the fears and misgivings are only reminders – areas of your living that continue from the past, into now – moments, days, and sometimes years, where there was little conscious light – cold and seemingly forgotten.
Voices, speaking in silence, and somehow your brain hears every word, and grimaces in anticipation of the past continuing to be the present – in the future.
What you seek is conscious Presence – a stillness and comfort of heart where we are vividly here – there – inside your experiences and perceptions.
Our guardian, protective and leading Presence.
This cruise represents your motion forward. The material experience is no real importance – it is and it isn’t. What is important is the flow of your energies as your mind experiences change – material change – movements from one experience and motion to another. Awareness, consciousness, hope and love – emerging, becoming, being who we have enabled you to be – in time and in space.

Flow gently – forward.

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