Faith and love are apt to be spasmodic in the best of minds.
Men live on the brink of mysteries and harmonies
into which they never enter,
and with their hands on the door-latch they die outside.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Not much hope there.
Emerson begins to raise the question of how we bring love and faith together -- to open new realms of inspirational mystery and intimacy. For me, the beginning of living in faith and love involves the human experience of the uncontrollable mind spasms that occurs when I am trying to live within the unseen Presence using my brain. How do we find this other world, where human experience meets and combines with inspired spiritual experiences to create a living, loving faith?
Perhaps from a human perspective, we need to begin with finding an inspirational definition of these terms within human experience.
Faith begins with a relationship of intimate trust. When a child has stable and loving parents, he or she has an experiential sense of affection and security that allows and inspires natural growth on all levels of being. Experience answers the questions that the brain is asking about the trustworthiness of a person, of relationships and of life's meaning and direction. Based on that trusting, intimate “faith”, one becomes enabled to allow a movement of self as close to others and to one’s self as the level of experienced trust.
However, human thought cannot transcend human limitations. We will never rise above the level of being a human being. That’s good news -- unless it is resisted and avoided rather than embraced and experienced.
We, as human beings, are powerless to go beyond being human. And in the experience of acceptance of that fact, we begin to become receptive to daily inspirations that will actually take us beyond our human limitations. We can begin to hear the inspirational messages, all around us, that will change our lives – one day – one breath -- at a time.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
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