For many years, I have led inspirational groups and life-training sessions, given inspirational talks, worked individually with people seeking a Better Life, both professionally and personally. In all of these instances, I have been able to see my “audience” – their faces, their reactions, hear their questions and comments. And I have adjusted everything I have done to match the specifics of the persons involved, using the visual and auditory feedback from others as a GPS device to guide me in helping others find understanding and daily inspirational living.
Now for the first time, I am writing and communicating out into the vast expanse of the internet -- where there are no faces, and no voices – no feedback or cues to tell me what is being received or confused – to tell me what specific needs or interests people have – or really whether or not anyone is even there at all.
For this reason, I am requesting something from you, whomever you may be who is reading this. I believe that you will receive in return the personal benefits of my many years of being therapist and a spiritual and human guide. My responses are personal – my own experience, strength and hope – and deepened by my professional clinical experiences.
Inspirational living, for me, involves finding and experiencing a loving, caring, unconditional Presence that passes human understanding and comprehension. This Presence is not the “God” of traditional organized religion, but does not conflict with Christian spirituality.
This Presence somehow takes us above the purely human frailties and isolation of normal life, to a place of peace, joy, and companionship that no longer requires the obsessive outcomes and illusions of the past. And this Presence exists most powerfully in the connection of two or more of us together – for in this union of souls, God becomes flesh and dwells among and with us.
Here are my requests:
1. When my writing creates a question, please send your question to me so I can respond. If your question is one several people are asking I may post an article on my site addressing the question in more detail. But I will address your question, as I understand it.
2. When my writing seems related to something that you are experiencing or struggling with presently, please feel free to ask for my suggestions, comments, and support.
3. If you have a life experience that seems to relate to or contradict what you hear me saying, please share it with me
4. If you have a friend or acquaintance who is struggling to find daily inspiration – hope – in a current life situation, ask them to read some of my writings, and/or to send me their questions and struggles so I can support and maybe even help them find some inspired solutions.
5. And if anything else comes to mind that you would like to simply express or ask, please do so. Whatever you write, feel, or think is perfect – unconditionally. Having the freedom to be and experience freely who we are can be one of the most liberating and inspiring gifts we can receive.
Let’s find daily living inspiration – together.
I am listening.
BetterPlaceByD@aol.com or comment section below.

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