Kathy and I have just gotten back from an eight-day cruise in the East Caribbean. It was really strange to be completely away from the normal constant alertness and responsibility of managing and running a hospital physician’s practice – 24/7.
As we experienced this trip, I journalled everyday, took over a thousand pictures, attended spiritual support groups on the boat, meditated, and generally attempted to remain as conscious as possible to the messages and Presence that were presented within each days events and circumstances.
I would like to share, over the next series of articles, my experience, strength and hope from our trip. Daily inspirations are everywhere – and challenging. There is the loving support and assurance that God is ever Present, but also, the human challenge of becoming increasingly conscious, as we grow more and more aware.
To me, it sometimes feels like someone turned the volume way up to a level of blaring blasts, or turned the lights up till I am blinded by more light than my eyes can process.
I really don’t know any other way to live – and I have to accept that many others have found ways of effectively “living” without this form of consciousness. To these people, I will seem odd, almost like “I see dead people” (which I don’t). I would encourage those who read what I write to take what seems to fit and help, and basically ignore the rest. If you need the rest later, it will probably reappear.
As we experienced this trip, I journalled everyday, took over a thousand pictures, attended spiritual support groups on the boat, meditated, and generally attempted to remain as conscious as possible to the messages and Presence that were presented within each days events and circumstances.
I would like to share, over the next series of articles, my experience, strength and hope from our trip. Daily inspirations are everywhere – and challenging. There is the loving support and assurance that God is ever Present, but also, the human challenge of becoming increasingly conscious, as we grow more and more aware.
To me, it sometimes feels like someone turned the volume way up to a level of blaring blasts, or turned the lights up till I am blinded by more light than my eyes can process.
I really don’t know any other way to live – and I have to accept that many others have found ways of effectively “living” without this form of consciousness. To these people, I will seem odd, almost like “I see dead people” (which I don’t). I would encourage those who read what I write to take what seems to fit and help, and basically ignore the rest. If you need the rest later, it will probably reappear.
I have watched others live their lives – seemingly relaxed, unstressed, seemingly unaware of the questions and feelings that I experience on a regular basis. When I speak about my struggles to control outcomes, my feelings and reactions no matter the outcome, and my need to accept what is as perfect and the actual plan of my God, I observe others eyes glazing over, faces going quietly sympathetic – or irritated – and a space becoming conscious and clear between myself and their conscious experience of me.
However, with the higher Presence of my God, I experience a connection of experiences which seems strange -- especially considering that religious theology describes God in such terms that there is no way They have ever experienced the pain and fear of being truly human. I experience Their conscious acceptance and unconditional love as Someone who has experienced human consciousness – fear and pain – just like myself.
In the safety of their loving hearts, I find myself “coming unto them” – coming deeply and intimately into their loving, caring Presence. I experience that they have no conditions for their love, I am always welcomed and invited – and they would prefer and really enjoy if I never left their Presence -- ever.
On the cruise, I found this quiet, loving place in my meditations and journalling. But actually I felt it stronger when I was just setting in a room of people, listening gently to their voices, and experiencing my God’s quiet Presence in the wordless hum and rhythm of their speaking and responding. As I breathed deeply, I experienced an energy, a Presence, a Power beyond myself, without rules or conditions – eagerly waiting for me to feel Their love and companionship – to quietly enjoy each other’s conscious presence.
I am someone who tends to “labor” – to resist what is, try to control outcomes, tries to satisfy the needs and wants of others – and myself. And I fail – and have failed – miserably. My life and others’ lives cannot be controlled. And even when “things” go as I wish, I am still miserably consumed with “laboring” to control the next “thing” or outcome.
No amount of effort and work will ever really make us happy – or give us rest.
The more I have labored, the more “heavy laden” I have become. I increasingly carry the responsibilities and blame for all that occurs, may occur, should have occurred, is about to occur. It is really more than I can bear – and I become lost in the agony of endless struggling to control the uncontrollable – I fall and fail – ultimately – every time. I am crushed and abandoned – by my own conditions and control – the perceptions and reactions of my mind.
Rest. A quiet word – four simple letters – uncomplicated – not intellectual – rest!
In my struggle to control the uncontrollable – to find happiness and love by my own efforts and decisions – I become judged by my own mind, and condemned to restless irritability and discontentedness – I become damned to an abyss of massive overwhelming loneliness – abandonment and rejection.
My God’s higher Presence reverses this diseased process, and in their unconditionally loving hearts and “arms”, I find a “Rest”. I am strangely at home, quietly and steadily loved, and the material world fades more and more into the vapor that it really is.
“Come unto Them and They will give you Rest.” We’ll leave the light on for you.

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Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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