The deepest need of man is the need to overcome his separateness, to leave the prison of his aloneness.
Erich Fromm
We live in a prison – not a palace – when our hearts have not cracked wide open. Buddha
From a spiritual perspective, anything negative that happens has only one purpose: to foster compassion in the human heart. Anything can fuel the fires of compassion if our hearts are open wide enough.
Marianne Williamson
What is human beings’ problem? Why aren’t they happy and at peace?
Our problem is that we are imprisoned within the walls of our separation from others, from our God, and from ourselves. We have been abandoned by the conditionalism of our species and world. We are either right or wrong – which means we are always wrong – never good enough -- and we and others condemn us -- by rejection and judgement -- to the deep, deep dungeons of our lonely selves.
When our deepest need for connection, and unconditional acceptance and companionship are not met, we become separated – locked away in prisons of our aloneness.
To get out – to be reconnected with our God, with ourselves, and with other human beings, our hearts must be cracked open wide. Why? Because in our cracked state of heart the light of God’s Presence enters our inner prisons, and in our desperate openness, we are able to receive the warmth of Their loving, caring, and unconditonal Presence, which frees us from our aloneness.
The brokenness that frees us to be loved and present most frequently comes from negative life experiences. Positive and desirable outcomes lulls us back into the illusion that we have control, that “it” is our fault, and that we have the choice and ability to be good or bad. In this delusion, we can never be considered good -- separation and self imprisonment is always inevitable.
It is my experience that I need to embrace my God’s higher presence through life’s undesirable events – in order to be broken, in order to love others, myself, and my God, and in order to be restored to my Life – to get out of hell and be free.
Erich Fromm
We live in a prison – not a palace – when our hearts have not cracked wide open. Buddha
From a spiritual perspective, anything negative that happens has only one purpose: to foster compassion in the human heart. Anything can fuel the fires of compassion if our hearts are open wide enough.
Marianne Williamson
What is human beings’ problem? Why aren’t they happy and at peace?
Our problem is that we are imprisoned within the walls of our separation from others, from our God, and from ourselves. We have been abandoned by the conditionalism of our species and world. We are either right or wrong – which means we are always wrong – never good enough -- and we and others condemn us -- by rejection and judgement -- to the deep, deep dungeons of our lonely selves.
When our deepest need for connection, and unconditional acceptance and companionship are not met, we become separated – locked away in prisons of our aloneness.
To get out – to be reconnected with our God, with ourselves, and with other human beings, our hearts must be cracked open wide. Why? Because in our cracked state of heart the light of God’s Presence enters our inner prisons, and in our desperate openness, we are able to receive the warmth of Their loving, caring, and unconditonal Presence, which frees us from our aloneness.
The brokenness that frees us to be loved and present most frequently comes from negative life experiences. Positive and desirable outcomes lulls us back into the illusion that we have control, that “it” is our fault, and that we have the choice and ability to be good or bad. In this delusion, we can never be considered good -- separation and self imprisonment is always inevitable.
It is my experience that I need to embrace my God’s higher presence through life’s undesirable events – in order to be broken, in order to love others, myself, and my God, and in order to be restored to my Life – to get out of hell and be free.

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Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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