Person: Hi! What do you did you do for a living?
Other person: I was a CIA secret agent.
Person: Really? So who really shot President Kennedy?
Other person: I would tell you, but I would have to kill you.
I woke up one morning on the cruise – it was still dark – and I started my morning meditation. As I was breathing and “listening” to my God’s Presence, I overheard, in my mind, a conversation between a woman and her romantic partner. The woman had been asked if she could love – really love him. Her response was, “I would love you, but I would have to kill you!”
In this moment, I experienced a startling awareness. As there is “national security”, there is “personal security” – a security that genuine intimacy, interpersonal presence, and loving commitment jeopardizes more than anything else can. And the natural human response to genuine romantic, committed love is fear. And when this “love” exceeds the comfort level of the human brain, the brain will eventually create a resistance which will effectively destroy the other person within the relationship.
Every person, object, and situation in our lives does a combination of two opposite things:
1. First, it or they distract us from ourselves, and lower our consciousness. This is typically experienced as pleasure, relief, attraction, and some form of happiness.
2. Second, it or they make us remember forgotten parts of ourselves – elevate our consciousness – which is most typically scary, painful, and irritating. Our brain is programmed to resist such experiences and relationships, unless they are very distracting.
All relationships do some version of this. So we are unconsciously attracted to primarily distracting relationships, and unconsciously repelled by true intimacy, self disclosure, and “love” – on either side of the relationship. Opposites attract because opposites distract.
Intimacy and self consciousness are instinctively the most terrorifying experiences a human can have. And instinctively, these experiences are avoided by the brain. With increased consciousness the brain reaches neural energy levels above what is perceived as “safe” and acceptable.
Loving someone – really loving someone – is terrorifying. Intimacy literally means “into me see” – they and I will see parts of me that I have hidden from myself and others because of extreme shame – the results of abandonment and rejection.
There is much more to be said later about this truth, but for now, I want us to consider two important factors:
1. Ultimately, the quality of our lives – our perceptions and reactions within this human experience – will ultimately be determined by our capacity to love deeply and intimately. We may maintain a level of delusion that life is good because we live with massive dosages of distraction, but ultimately, we will find ourselves confronted with the emerging awareness that something is very wrong inside – something important is really missing in our lives.
2. Intimacy and deep love are not possible merely by making mental decisions to do so. The part of our brain that makes decisions has no real authority in this area. The “secret agent” inside our brains has been given an overriding authority over the operation of our brains’ perceptions and reactions. We are powerless to love deeply and intimately.
Therefore, the quality of our life is directly proportionate to our ability to love deeply. And we must have a higher means for this to be possible. We can only love as deeply as we are connected intimately to our higher Presence – God as we experience Him and Her.
This truth makes it so important to find daily inspirations, and to experience the spiritual enlightenment of God’s higher Presence in the precious moments of our lives. Only God’s higher Presence allows us to have the spiritual security – serenity – to love and be loved deeply, and not harm others – and ourselves -- in the process.

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Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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