What we see depends mainly on what we look for.
John Lubbock
The quality of our lives is determined by our emotional reactions to life events and circumstances. Our emotional reactions are produced by our mental perceptions of those life events and circumstance. Our perceptions are created by the programming, from past life experiences, of neural pathways in our brain – active and operating memories.
So basically the quality of our lives is determined by what our brains are programmed to look for. And this programming determines the conclusions we make about what we see – how we experience our present situation and events.
It is what makes our process of daily inspiration and ongoing spiritual enlightenment so critical to having joyful and precious moments, instead of pain, discomfort, and suffering. Daily inspirations can insert the conscious higher Presence of our God into the neural pathways of our brain, and reprogram our minds with love and serenity.
Three factors are significant about our brain’s storage of past experiences as neural operating programming:
1. Negative life experiences – abandonments -- are given priority programming because the brain perceives them to be related to possible ultimate “death” – total separation and abandonment.
2. The majority of the programming of our brains – the perceptual filters that produce our reactions -- are below the level of conscious thought. So they operate and control our reactions without our consciousness that they are there, and without our ability to consciously change them by will or intent.
3. Spirituality – the conscious daily experiencing of our God’s Presence – can reprogram our unconscious neural pathways, and eliminate the programmed perceptual filters that cause painful and fearful emotional reactions. Pain and fear reminds us of parts of our brain that have not been spiritually healed by God’s loving, unconditional Presence – reminds us of past painful abandonments that we are reliving in the present.
Today, we can feel our feelings – pain, fear, sadness, anger, and even peace and joy – recognizing that our discomforts and fears comes from mental places we cannot consciously control. We can connect with our God’s higher Presence – tell God, others and ourselves about our present experiences, listen to the voice of our God in spiritual readings, the voices of others -- daily inspirations. And we can consciously and deliberately take actions of trust – do the next right thing, act as if we know that God is taking care of us -- maybe just consciously breathe as an act of faith.
God’s Presence can and will reprogram our minds and we will consistently look for the good, and loving, and exciting parts of living. We will see our lives becoming better places by God’s design.
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