Presence, a glowing beam of energizing lightness.
A space between times and timeslessness,
where words trickle past like falling rain,
dampening the ground of mindfulness
with wetness that cannot be found
in spacious minds of vacant souls.
My lips sealed with repeating thinking,
I stand staggered by the force,
windless brushings from a world that flows
fluid and strong beyond my minds’ vision and touch.
Presence -- someone there in the stillness.
Quietly in my stirrings,
hopefully waiting—
that I will open my heart’s door
and be filled with their Presence.
Steady and true,
I hold my heart’s hand to their face,
they lift me from my deafening terrors
into warmths of their Presence.
Precious and strong and healing and flowing—
unresisted by my restless storms.
My soul rests,
in the warming arms of their expansive love and caring.
Will W.
Writing poetry has been a powerful part of my finding daily inspirations by journalling. Somehow I seem to be able to connect in non-intellectual phrases to a higher conscious sense of someone present and attentive to me. My deepest selves are able to move freely and securely within the limits of inspired conscious Presence.
Presence is a quiet quality of experience where what I perceive is more than the sum of the details presented to me in life. Things possess an aura of personalness, meaning, intention and caring. There is an emerging sense that there are no accidents or coincidences. Everything happens in an unfolding plan prepared specifically for me to become and live as I would want, if I knew what I really wanted.
As I read inspirational life quotes, and as I listen to persons sharing their experiences, strengths and hopes, I am made aware of a caring Presence – a “someone” waiting patiently in the back of my mind to be invited and welcomed – someone waiting for my acceptance and availability so they can change my life into a better place by their design.
Finding daily inspirations through inspirational life quotes, journalling and listening are means of allowing the forgotten goodness behind all that is to reappear, and give us back our lives – one moment, one breath at a time.

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"Finding daily inspirations through inspirational life quotes, journalling and listening are means of allowing the forgotten goodness behind all that is to reappear, and give us back our lives – one moment, one breath at a time."
ReplyDeleteThank you for this thought. I am going thru loss right now and this thought keeps me connected. I keep breathing my Higher Power into the situation & I don't feel alone.
Thank you for being you!