Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Spiritual Enlightenment --How do we discover daily inspirations within inspirational life quotes? Part I

Daily inspirations – especially through inspiring life quotes -- involve finding openings within the material world through which intimate energy – higher Presence – can flow, and spiritual enlightenment – transformation of the neural processes of the brain – can occur.

The spiritual world is all around us. We are blinded by the broken neural programmings of our brains. The past – the separations and abandonments perceived and recorded in the neural network of the brain – forms a reservoir of unprocessed sewage, which leaks constantly into our current perceptions of and reactions to current life events.

Developing the skills of finding daily inspirations through inspiring life quotes begins to build a spiritual treatment “facility” in our brains and hearts, which begins to process the sludge of the past. We begin being restored to clear, flowing spiritual experiences of higher Presence – spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakenings form more and more collections of Presence-filtered neural pathways, which eventually create warm flowing light – spiritual enlightenment. Daily inspirations and inspired life quotes maintain and increase this spiritual enlightenment.

How can this work? Consider with me the following inspiring life quote:

Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change. So suffering must become love. That is the mystery.
Katherine Mansfield

What do you hear in these words? Take a few moments to breathe deep, and absorb the energy and Presence of the words. My God or higher Presence (or whatever name you use) speaks wherever, and whenever I am listening. This has been my experience over the years.

The starting point is to slow down -- admit and experience the darkness of my brain – its inability to hear a higher Voice. My brain operates in digital data called thoughts, which are formed with words. Thoughts cannot hear or experience Presence.

The darkness is created by the wounding experiences of my past that exist in my brain for which there was never spiritual healing, and therefore are current and reoccurring.

Next, I breathe deeply – in my powerlessness – and connect with my higher Presence – or “God” to most. I have learned to use my breathing to slow down and nurture my brain, allowing it to quiet its chatter.

At first, hearing this higher Voice was like a faint rustling in the background of my thoughts. As I have practiced, this connection has become clearer -- yet wordless and intimate – an experience of personal Presence. What I hear is like a still small voice – someone very close by – speaking softly to my heart – the emerging spiritual part of me that begins to connect softly to my brain.

Then, I take the action to trust this Presence by writing down, or sharing with someone else what I am experiencing. This actions seems to bring my human experience of unknowing, and my spiritual experience of a personal and caring Presence together into a growing spiritual enlightenment. I experience a peace and serenity which exceeds the neural capacity of my brain to understand. It becomes living, dynamic, flowing, and life changing.

Daily inspirations through inspiring life quotes open my heart and my brain begins to experience spiritual enlightenment.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

Spiritual Enlightenment --How do we discover daily inspirations within inspiring life quotes? Part II

Let's start with this inspiring life quote. How do we experience these words as a door to increasing daily inspirations, and spiritual enlightenment.

Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change.
So suffering must become love. That is the mystery.
Katherine Mansfield

“Everything in life” – I experience that everything in this room, every thought and reaction in my brain, every event that has occurred or is anticipated has God’s energy and meaning all in and through it. Nothing is wasted. And everything is personally meaningful by higher design.

“Everything in life that we really accept” – I experience acceptance as the insertion of higher Presence -- through daily inspirations -- into every thought, experience and event of my life. This provides the sense of meaning and purpose for “everything in life”

The opposite of acceptance, for me, is control. As I breathe and experience
Control, I experience separation and abandonment from my past, the expectation – within my brain’s programming – that this pain will continue. I experience a constriction of neural energy aimed instinctively at “controlling” the pending outcomes of my life.

Constriction of neural energy hurts – “suffering” – mentally, emotionally, physically, and socially. In the absence of Presence, my brain resists what is, and I suffer. The solution for me is acceptance -- the loving and caring Presence of my higher Power.

Everything in my life that I suffer must go through change. For me, daily inspirations and meditations – including inspiring life quotes -- have created filters of caring Presence through which the sewage of my past can be changed from pain to love. Love for me is the intimate and unconditional connection and participation with my higher Presence, others, and ultimately myself.

“This is the mystery.” This is an exciting sentence. I experience my life beginning to change without my understanding and intellect -- exceeding all the expectations that my brain can produce.

My child self calls this “magic”. There is a personal energy swirling around and entering my brain that is creating a better “story” – the exciting adventures and stories of my life. Everything is enormously unpredictable, and as I surrender to Presence, and listen to their voices, wonderful unexpected “things” happen – within my perceptions and reactions. And life is incredibly never the same.

Life and spiritual healing begins with suffering – because I am human. Life mysteriously arrives at spiritual enlightenment and loving Presence, through the practice of daily inspirations – the experience of inspiring life quotes – each moment, each breath of my day.

With each new day I put away the past
and discover the new beginnings I have been given.
Angela Wozniak

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

Friday, September 25, 2009

Daily Inspirations -- Spiritual EnLIGHTenment Begins with Experiencing the Darkness

Experience the darkness.
Resistance is futile. We are powerless over the Darkness, and light – our human awareness -- has become unmanageable. We need to stop and consciously feel – experience – the Darkness.

I would suggest the following exercise:
Close your eyes, and sit quietly with your eyes closed. Experience the physical darkness – the absence of light.

With your eyes still closed, get up and begin to move about. Bump into things. Feel for reference points in the room. Pick up things and try to put them back. Be aware of your sense of disconnectedness, helplessness, and need for Someone who can see what you can’t.

Sit back down with your eyes still closed. Breathe deeply for a few moments.

Gently open your eyes. Write down your observations and experiences of the following questions:
1. What do you feel?
2. What thoughts come to the surface of your brain?
3. What memories seemed to come into your experience?
4. How would you describe your helplessness, and the separation – from mild to incredible loneliness?

Our brains have learned to use physical sensation – primarily visual sight -- as distractions from awareness of the darkness. The sensory and visible world is not real. Only what we experience is real – not our perceptions. And under the influence of human sight and sensation, the

Darkness becomes hidden in the artificial and imaginary brightness of physical light and sound.

Another suggested exercise:
Go into a room of people. Sit in or near the group. Close your eyes, and experience the voices and words – and the distance and perhaps the connection between yourself and them.

Darkness is the absence of the light of Presence – the absence of intimate connection with our higher Presence, others and ourselves. Without this intimate connection, there is no exchange or flow of energy that can empower our brains and souls to feel Presence and love.

Consciously and deliberately experience the Darkness. This will be the beginning for experiencing our higher Presence and spiritual enlightenment through daily inspirations.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Daily Inspirations Can Change Darkness into Spiritual EnLIGHTenment

Life is difficult – when it is conscious. In the absence of consciousness – without spiritual enlightenment –human beings live in a massive void of darkness, without it ever becoming a major life problem to be dealt with. Normally, one is born, lives 70-80 years, and never really experiences the darkness – unless something or someone in one’s life breaks the seal of the primitive brain, and opens the stored neural darkness to glimmers of light and conscious sensation.

Our Real Enemy
Our real enemy as human beings is not illness, poverty, bondage, or death—but consciousness. We can endure the worst of circumstances and even death – as long as we are not forced to do so consciously. And everything can be going exactly as we think we want it, externally, but if our level of consciousness is too high, we are of all people most miserable. So our brain resists and fights consciousness as if it is death. Actually the fear of death is the fear of consciousness – of ultimate conscious separation and abandonment.

Stay Away From the Light
The problem with consciousness – with the Light coming on inside -- is that it begins to expose the wretched separation and abandonment that is the real human condition on this material plane. We human beings live separated and alone – aching in the shame that something is terribly and horribly wrong with us, and that this is the reason we are so alone -- why no one is there – no one is there inside with us.

As a result, our brains have closed our eyes to truth, and created an imaginary world, composed of imaginary people -- where we have a collection of alternating imaginary selves –masked selves – who participate in this imaginary world without having to experience the Darkness -- consciously.

“I Am Not Sick!”
There is a story told about Jesus talking to a group of religious intellectuals of his day. He said to them, “those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” For years I puzzled his statement. Spiritually, these intellectuals were some of the “sickest” people of the day. Then one day I experienced what he was saying: if a person does not consciously experience that they are sick – or in the Darkness – they have no need for help – or the Light – no matter how sick or how dark their lives are.

The fortunate -- or unfortunate -- few have had some major life event or series of events that shoves them into consciousness of the Darkness – and they have been blinded by the initial light of human consciousness. The result is major conscious bearing pain and fear.

So when this happens, what can we do? How do we learn to live in Light?

Connect with the Light of Presence
Darkness involves our brains blocking out parts of the neural network in order to avoid conscious experience of the absence of higher Presence and of the incredible separation and alienation from ourselves and from others.

First light begins when human life experiences expose these dark areas of the brain to light – human conscious awareness. If higher Presence is not also accessed, the brain will reassert darkness, and the human conscious awareness will fade back into the dark abyss.

Sustained Light begins with the insertion of an emerging spiritual experience of higher Presence, which most frequently begins with the experience, strength, and hope of others. So to begin we need to connect with others, specifically through the experience of daily inspirations. We need to connect with the Light of Presence.

Daily inspirations are others’ expressed experiences of the Light that has entered and influenced their lives. These expressions are openings for receiving spiritual enlightenment that reconnects us with the Light. I believe that sometimes these expressions were conscious experiences for the author, and sometimes they were expressed in unconsciousness. Ultimately, what I hear and experience is more important than what was said – or meant.

These openings – daily inspirations -- include inspiring life quotes, inspirational readings, spiritual coaching, and the stories and sharings by others of spiritual principles -- their application of spiritual enlightenment.

Connecting with the Light of Presence means to collect and regularly experience those daily inspirations --spiritual openings and resources -- that bring spiritual enlightenment and Presence into our Darkness on a regular basis.

The Light of Presence reveals and heals the Darkness of the past and present – creating openings and opportunities for spiritual enlightenments and a Better Life by Higher Design.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Twelve Spiritual Principles of Daily Inspirations And Spiritual Enlightenment: Part Five -- Spiritual Therapy

Now that we have completed an initial spiritual history of our human disease, and have shared it with our higher Presence and ourselves by admitting its secrets to a spiritual coach or guide, these next two spiritual principles are the spiritual therapy which can bring spiritual healing.

Daily inspirations are sources of spiritual enlightenment and Presence from inspiring life quotes, inspirational readings, spiritual coaching, spiritual meditations, and others’ personal stories and experiences. They prepare us to receive spiritual therapy, and they are administered regularly as actual spiritual therapy.

Daily inspirations provide sources of spiritual energy – intimate Presence – which begin restoring us to spiritual enlightenment with others, ourselves and our higher Presence.

Sixth Spiritual Principle: We became entirely ready to have our higher Presence treat and heal the symptoms of our humanness.

As we disclose our secrets, we begin and continue the healing process of spiritual therapy for our wounded brains. To continue the process of spiritual healing and spiritual enlightenment, we must proceed through the progression of spiritual therapy treatments – inserting and improving conscious connection to our higher Presence into the unPresence. For this spiritual principle to operate, two things are necessary:
1. Our level of conscious human experience – pain -- must be great enough to create a willingness to be treated. Short term, spiritual therapy is going to increase our neural discomfort. Long term, only spiritual therapy will actually heal our humanness and eliminate our symptoms. If the conscious pain is not great enough we will abandon spiritual therapy, and return to active human illness.
2. Our level of conscious spiritual Presence must be great enough to protect us from being overwhelmed by emerging consciousness, and by resulting emotional pain. Our level of higher spiritual Presence must be great enough to restore serenity to our unPresent neural pathways.

This spiritual principle involves preparation for spiritual therapy, and the maintenance of this preparation, both by the steady practice of daily inspirations with the help of spiritual coaching.

Seventh Spiritual Principle: We humbly asked Him and/or Her to heal our humanness.

We ask humbly because we are powerless to remove our own symptoms and illness. This too is a part of the process. I cannot treat my own illness or remove my own symptoms. I must maintain and experience an intimate relationship with my higher Presence that allows me to ask and receive the necessary spiritual therapy of Presence.

We receive the spiritual therapy of increasing Presence
1. When we are faced with circumstances that make our illness and symptoms conscious.
2. When we respond – humbly – to these circumstances and events by disclosing our feelings and experiences in spiritual coaching, and asking through this support and through daily inspirations for spiritual healing.
3. When we have experienced the renewed calmness and serenity of spiritual enlightenment.

In practicing these principles of spiritual enlightenment and spiritual therapy, we begin to regain our lost and wounded selves from the neural abyss of our brains – and our lives become a Better Place by Higher Design.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

Monday, September 21, 2009

Twelve Spiritual Principles of Daily Inspirations And Spiritual Enlightenment: Part Four -- Spiritual Therapy

The next two spiritual principles involve the beginning of spiritual therapy through spiritual enlightenment regarding our human illness. We must humanly experience ourselves with our higher Presence’s help, through the spiritual coaching of others and with the support of daily inspirations, in order to have our discomforts treated with spiritual therapy. As the wounded and diseased neural pathways of our brains begin to heal, a spiritual enlightenment – an inner light – begins to appear, and our perceptions and reactions respond to continuing spiritual therapy.

Life becomes a Better Place.

Fourth Spiritual Principle: We made a searching and fearless spiritual inventory of our humanness – past and present.

In this principle, we do the equivalent of a medical history that one would do with a doctor. For spiritual therapy to be maximally effective, we must understand and experience our humanness. In this process, daily inspirations and spiritual coaching is essential for thoroughness and for our protection from possible neural reactions.
1.We list the events and relationships in our lives where we felt abandoned.
2.We write down all injuries that we perceive we have experienced from others abandoning or abusing us.
3.We note the specifics of our resentments – the neural scab that the brain creates to protect us from emotional/neural injuries.
4.We list our fears – the expressions of our expectations of continuing separation from others, ourselves and our higher Presence.
5.We describe how our illness became expressed in our actions and words towards ourselves and others – our continuing symptoms.

Anger is how we fight our stored painful neural energies, and fear is how we take flight away from this neural consciousness.

When we are “finished”, we have begun having a conscious spiritual enlightenment that reveals how our humanness has been wounded, and how our injuries and our human illness have expressed themselves in our lives. Daily inspirations and spiritual coaching protects us through the process.

Fifth Spiritual Principle: We admitted to God and to ourselves through another human being the exact nature of our symptoms and disease.

With this spiritual principle, we disclose the details as accurately and consciously as possible – to God, and to ourselves through others in some form of spiritual coaching.

Our disease of humanness was caused by abandonment by others, resulting in separation within our brains from ourselves, others and our higher Presence. Spiritual therapy with daily inspirations begins with reconnecting with ourselves, and our higher Presence through another human being bringing intimate spiritual enlightenment.

Abandonment, and our belief in our responsibility for our relationship outcomes, creates wounds of unPresence, which can only be treated successfully by restoring Presence. This spiritual principle begins the process of spiritual therapy.

Daily Inspirations with spiritual coaching gives a comforting and guiding flow of Presence energy. Spiritual therapy restores us to a state of spiritual enlightenment where life can be lived as a Better Place by Higher Design.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

Friday, September 18, 2009

Twelve Spiritual Principles of Daily Inspirations And Spiritual Enlightenment: Part Three

We are powerless over our mental perceptions and over our emotional reactions and therefore the experience of our lives is unmanageable. Spiritual enlightenment requires that we start here and move forward with finding daily inspirations that begins to address our powerlessness.

Second Spiritual Principle: We came to experience that a Presence greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

The problems I have had with my perceptual filters of life were caused by an absence or loss of Presence – separation from God, and myself caused by actual or perceived abandonments by other human beings. Many of us have experienced a repairing or restoring of our mental filters when we began to reconnect with a higher Presence through others and through daily inspirations. And we still don’t know how damaged the neural network of our brains is.

This higher Presence begins to restore connections within our brain between the neural pathways of our primitive brain, and of our conscious reasoning brain. We begin to have “choices” – proportionate to our experienced levels of conscious Presence, and to the level of neural reprogramming that healing Presence has completed within our neurally stored pasts

This spiritual principle is about:
1. Experiencing a personal Presence greater than ourselves.
2. Finding daily inspirations that progressively reconnect us to our higher Presence, to ourselves and to others.
3. Using our spiritual experiences, and our daily inspirations to activate increasing spiritual enlightenment.
4. Receiving spiritual coaching to enable higher Presence to give us a neural soundness that frees our brains to receive spiritual enlightenment.

Third Spiritual Principle: We made a decision and took the action to turn our wills and our lives over the care of God as we experienced Him and/or Her.

Based on the intimate Presence that began to emerge in Step Two, we began to surrender our perceptions and decisions (our wills), and their outcomes (our lives) over to our personal and caring higher Presence. A critical part of this spiritual principle is Action. A decision without action is not really a decision – it is a mental exercise in fantasy. Action – like daily inspirations – accesses the brain’s neural network, and allows higher Presence to reprogram the darkness of lonely abandonment into the light of loving intimacy and warmth.

The action taken demonstrates a spiritual enlightenment and resulting trust relationship with our higher Presence. This actions takes the form of acting as if this Presence is taking care of us, and then “doing the next right thing” as an action of trust in this Presence. I have been unable to do this without spiritual coaching.

In my experience of over twenty years, these initial three spiritual principles are ultimately the basis of all spiritual enlightenment, daily inspirations, and spiritual coaching. They have to be practiced and lived consistently to produce consistent results.

Spiritual coaching involves an experienced spiritual seeker, supporting and guiding a process of discovering and experiencing daily inspirations – moments of contact and intimacy with a higher Presence. This process of daily inspirations generates a neural openness that produces spiritual enlightenment as a natural and growing result.

And life becomes a Better Place by Higher Design.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Twelve Spiritual Principles of Daily Inspirations And Spiritual Enlightenment: Part Two

My life is the product of my level of spiritual enlightenment, created and maintained by a steady diet of daily inspirations, and supported by spiritual coaching. In maintaining my spiritual life, I need spiritual principles – living guidelines – which direct and fashion my spiritual journey toward the spiritual enlightenment I am seeking. This is an introduction to these spiritual principles.

(These spiritual principles were adapted from the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous using my experience, strength, hope, and daily inspirations)

First Spiritual Principle: We admitted we were powerless – that our lives had become unmanageable.

Our species is addicted to living, and therefore to outcomes that seem to determine our survival -- existence and comfort – we are addicted to Control and Outcomes. With control of outcomes being a major life task of humans, we begin to believe that we are responsible for all outcomes. Such beliefs are encouraged by the following myths:
1. “You can be or do anything you want, if you put your mind to it, and if you try hard enough.”
2. “A person is just about as happy as he makes up his mind to be” (attributed to Abraham Lincoln).
3. Everyone’s ultimate success is determined by his or her “choices”.

Shame begins as we judge and evaluate ourselves by these myths.

Many will struggle with this concept in specific situations, which will be addressed later. For now, let’s follow a simple course of consideration: Our perceptions and reactions to life ultimately determine the quality of our lives – not the specific events and outcomes of life. Research has shown that the major perceptual filters of our brain are actually controlled by a primitive part of our brain that does not operate in thought, facts, reasoning, or judgment. It operates simply in neural impulses.

So when my brain perceives a person, thing, or situation, the major filters that the sensations go through are unconscious to my thinking brain. Therefore, my “happiness” or “success” is not based on reality or fact, but on the unconscious programming that was created either genetically, and/or by prior life experiences stored as suppressed neural energy within the brain.

We are powerless over our mental perceptions and over our emotional reactions and therefore the experience of our lives is unmanageable. Spiritual enlightenment requires that we start here and move forward with finding daily inspirations that begins to address our powerlessness.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Twelve Spiritual Principles of Daily Inspirations and Spiritual Enlightenment

My life is the product of my level of spiritual enlightenment, created and maintained by a steady diet of daily inspirations, and supported by spiritual coaching. In maintaining my spiritual life, I need spiritual principles – living guidelines – which direct and fashion my spiritual journey toward the spiritual enlightenment I am seeking.

Spiritual Enlightenment Begins with Human Experience
Over 22 years ago, my life was an absolute wreck – at least inside. The sewage of my past was leaking into my present, and I was emotionally and spiritually ill – my feelings crashed like huge tidal waves of neural energy, knocking me senseless -- wounding me even more – and there was seemingly no presence or Presence – I was hopelessly and helpless alone inside.

In the pits of my humanness, someone suggested and introduced me to twelve spiritual principles – adapted from the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. In my desperation, I grabbed hold, became involved in spiritual coaching, and began to practice these spiritual principles and daily inspirations “in all my affairs”.

Spiritual Principles Are Not Answers –They Are Solutions
Having been a therapist for nearly ten years at the time, I had “answers” – and with these answers I was able to help others -- but these answers failed to help me. I have since realized that “answers” are mental illusions that deceive me into believing that I understand my problems and can therefore control the outcomes of my life. Answers are not solutions -- solutions can really change my life. What is frequently being sold in the market place of self-help and therapy are answers and not solutions.

Answers did “work” temporarily at times. I was able to use my thoughts to anesthetize my feelings, creating an artificial state of well being. Answers are information without experience and higher Presence – facts without the means to spiritually enlightened – serving only to convince me that I know what I need in order to control my life. I become responsible for what happens, no matter what.

Over the course of the last twenty-two years, from personal and from professional experience, I have revised these twelve spiritual principles to fit any and all life challenges – chronic or temporary. I would like to introduce these spiritual principles and my “practice” of them as a means of living daily inspirations that brings major spiritual enlightenment, through spiritual coaching.

Monday, September 14, 2009

How Do Daily Inspirations Change our Lives?

To change, we must become willing to experience a certain level of discomfort.
Marie Lindquist

I have tried to change my self, and my life ever since I can remember. I believed that I would be “happy” if something changed. The problem was that “things” have changed over the course of my life, but it never really brought happiness. I did not know that real happiness was not connected to “things” -- at least not external things.

Do you want the best of life? Then live as near as possible to God, the Master and Giver of all Life.
Twenty Four Hours

Change began with level of discomfort that made me willing to listen. Then I learned to listen to a higher Voice speaking through others. I began to realize that when I listened, I heard a higher Presence, and as I listened to this higher Presence, we got to know each other -- intimately And that has made all the difference.

I began to experience a closeness to others, to myself, and to my higher Presence that began to change the most important factor in my life – my perceptions. I found daily inspirations within others, within inspirational readings, within life events, and within the seemingly accidental off hand comments of strangers. I was listening and hearing and experiencing changes that my brain could not produce or imagine.

Change – a neverending pattern of miracles unleashed by a deeper experience of self.
Marianne Williamson

As I connected with my higher Presence, I began to be freed – I began to experience life directly and without interference – I became more a natural child with higher Parents. Messages began to appear more and more often. Daily inspirations became moment to moment inspirations I would stress and strain for hours for the meaning of something, to have it appear in an instant of Presence -- when I listened.

Our soul is nurtured and fed by taking pleasure in the beauty in this world.
Melodie Beattie

Experience of daily inspirations produced an intuitive connection that changed my world of perceptions, and made life became very different.

I learned how to ask for help, and listen. I had been trapped inside my pain – some nameless, faceless version of myself was tearing my insides apart – trying to get out. I would freeze, thinking it would go away if I didn’t move. It never did.

And now I am actively listening – and experiencing change. I am becoming – different – and better. I am being freed from the prison of my brain by a continuous experience of daily inspirations – and a neverending flow of inner miracles of Presence.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How Do Daily Inspirations and Spiritual Enlightenment Make Life Different ?

“A consciousness of God’s presence,
as One who loves you,
makes all life different.
The consciousness of God’s love
promotes the opening of your whole being to God.”

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

The normal human condition is one of constriction – closedness – to others, ourselves, and our higher Presence. It is a natural, and generally unconscious reaction to the fear and expectation of ultimately being abandoned – separated from others.

I have learned that there are certain symptoms that frequently remind me of my shame, and my fear of separation:
1. Worry – the mental preoccupation with outcomes related to any person, thing, or situation that catches my attention. My unresolved past attaches to my immediate present, and I live emotionally the neural energies of fear, trying to escape with desperate thought.
2. Anger – when I am irritated, my brain is avoiding shame and separation by bursts of neural energy, generally discharged toward people, things and situations that are not as I think I would like it to be. This is displaced energy, and not true responses.

As my consciousness rises, I become aware that my insides and outsides are tight, tense, and constricted. If it continues for any length of time, I will begin to experience physical symptoms of my illness.

Daily inspirations are about allowing our consciousness to be redirected by “God’s Presence” to an experience of God’s or our higher Presence’s unconditional adoration and affection for us. As we find and experience the cues that are in daily inspirations, we can experience an “opening of our whole being to God”, to ourselves, and to other human beings.

There are various blockages to this opening. One is the human desire or demand for guarantees. How can I know that when I allow higher Presence to open my being, that I will be safe, loved, and nurtured in the future? This is a question that ultimately daily inspirations must begin to “answer”.

“Understanding is the reward of faith.
Therefore seek not to understand that thou mightest believe,
but believe that thou mayest understand.”
Aurelius Augustinus

Faith and belief, in spiritual terms are not thoughts. Traditional religion, being thought based, tends to imply that faith and belief are done by thinking – which is with our brains. Unfortunately, that will not work. The part of the brain that thinks is very tiny. The part of the brain that feels fear and shame is massive. Thought will do little more than distract us from our human condition. Our brains are ultimately not where the spiritual “guarantees” of my life are written.

Daily inspirations teach us how to believe spiritually – to experience an intimate closeness with a Presence that the brain cannot comprehend. The result can be a spiritual enlightenment that transcends thought, and activates our heart to “know” without using our brains to do so. And suddenly there is a peace and confidence that defies and confound mental thought -- and I find my guarantees written on the intuitive tissue of my heart.

My experience is that it was divinely planned by my higher Presence, that I not be able to mentally comprehend the Plan for life – the rhyme and reason of my life. The only way I can know is through an ongoing intimate relationship with my higher Presence -- the goal and outcome of steady and consistent daily inspirations.

One of the barriers I experience is that my brain is rarely silent. It chatters – with details, observations, and projected explanations and expectations. I use daily inspirations to stop, breath, allow my mind to still, and then quietly listen to that “still small voice” of Presence.

Another barrier is “education” – trying to amass enough information mentally into my brain that I can understand and control my life. I have learned that spiritual education is a private matter – it has nothing to do with colleges or schools. Spiritual enlightenment comes from experiences which take my brain beyond my thoughts, into spiritual enlightenments that are self-changing – the rebirth of my lost selves into present Presence.

This spiritual enlightenment is a return to the child who we really are. To survive, we became adults – took responsibility for the uncontrollable, donned masks that hid our wretchedness, suppressed natural emotional experiences with intellectual thinking, and generally lost sight of the beautiful creatures we were created to be.

“Some of our feelings have been stored so long
that they have freezer burn.”
Melodie Beattie

We are using daily inspirations to be restored to who we are underneath all the fire and ice. We are beginning to have “breakthroughs” – more and more transformative experiences -- that are changing our very genetic spiritual structure back to our natural states.

Our higher Presence is reweaving the tapestries of our lives and we becoming beautiful and awesome – children and masters of God’s infinite and unconditional love and grace.

We are becoming truly amazing.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

Monday, September 7, 2009

Finding Daily Inspirations in the Storms of Life

In the storm, the tree that bends with the wind
is the one that survives to grow tall.
Brenda Scheffer

Most of my life was spent surviving actual and perceived “storms” –inside and out. What I did instinctively was constrict my insides to create physical and mental walls against the perceived impending threat – never realizing that I was actually preparing for my own misery and destruction.

I did not know what else to do. I was powerless, and was trying to control the uncontrollable.

The “winds” were violent waves of emotional energy that would sweep across my brain -- the past, crashing into the present, driving my thoughts and reactions deep into the future – leaving me wounded and broken – barely alive – clinging desperately to fragments of what seemed left of my living and breathing – never realizing that destruction was caused by my resistance to the inner forces.

Finally, in my desperation, I heard that not everyone blown by such inner and outer force suffered the way I did. Maybe there was a solution to my pain – an escape from my dyingness.

I reached out, I listened, I watched, and I “saw” something in the corners of my heart, where I had not looked. A Presence, a loving caring energy, someone waiting for me to accept and connect so I could become free to be and to become.

My process of becoming bendable and strong over the last twenty plus years have been fairly simple, but amazingly effective:
1. Feel the feelings that are being forced to the surface of my consciousness by circumstances and memories.
2. Connect to a higher Presence by connecting with other wounded seekers, like me.
3. Act in trust that all is being taken care of – do the next right thing, take the next right breath, do what I would be doing if the winds were not blowing.

These steps have created a flexibility of mind and spirit that can weather any storm, and any force of life. For me, they had to become a way of life and not just a prearranged storm plan. Otherwise, my humanness would eventually take over, and I would again have to fight and resist – and “die” -- supposedly to survive.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Daily Inspirations and Friends

Others can be daily inspirations for us -- maybe it starts by being daily inspirations for them.