We are powerless over our mental perceptions and over our emotional reactions and therefore the experience of our lives is unmanageable. Spiritual enlightenment requires that we start here and move forward with finding daily inspirations that begins to address our powerlessness.
Second Spiritual Principle: We came to experience that a Presence greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
The problems I have had with my perceptual filters of life were caused by an absence or loss of Presence – separation from God, and myself caused by actual or perceived abandonments by other human beings. Many of us have experienced a repairing or restoring of our mental filters when we began to reconnect with a higher Presence through others and through daily inspirations. And we still don’t know how damaged the neural network of our brains is.
This higher Presence begins to restore connections within our brain between the neural pathways of our primitive brain, and of our conscious reasoning brain. We begin to have “choices” – proportionate to our experienced levels of conscious Presence, and to the level of neural reprogramming that healing Presence has completed within our neurally stored pasts
This spiritual principle is about:
1. Experiencing a personal Presence greater than ourselves.
2. Finding daily inspirations that progressively reconnect us to our higher Presence, to ourselves and to others.
3. Using our spiritual experiences, and our daily inspirations to activate increasing spiritual enlightenment.
4. Receiving spiritual coaching to enable higher Presence to give us a neural soundness that frees our brains to receive spiritual enlightenment.
Third Spiritual Principle: We made a decision and took the action to turn our wills and our lives over the care of God as we experienced Him and/or Her.
Based on the intimate Presence that began to emerge in Step Two, we began to surrender our perceptions and decisions (our wills), and their outcomes (our lives) over to our personal and caring higher Presence. A critical part of this spiritual principle is Action. A decision without action is not really a decision – it is a mental exercise in fantasy. Action – like daily inspirations – accesses the brain’s neural network, and allows higher Presence to reprogram the darkness of lonely abandonment into the light of loving intimacy and warmth.
The action taken demonstrates a spiritual enlightenment and resulting trust relationship with our higher Presence. This actions takes the form of acting as if this Presence is taking care of us, and then “doing the next right thing” as an action of trust in this Presence. I have been unable to do this without spiritual coaching.
In my experience of over twenty years, these initial three spiritual principles are ultimately the basis of all spiritual enlightenment, daily inspirations, and spiritual coaching. They have to be practiced and lived consistently to produce consistent results.
Spiritual coaching involves an experienced spiritual seeker, supporting and guiding a process of discovering and experiencing daily inspirations – moments of contact and intimacy with a higher Presence. This process of daily inspirations generates a neural openness that produces spiritual enlightenment as a natural and growing result.
And life becomes a Better Place by Higher Design.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing, Daily Inspiration Music
Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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