Friday, September 25, 2009

Daily Inspirations -- Spiritual EnLIGHTenment Begins with Experiencing the Darkness

Experience the darkness.
Resistance is futile. We are powerless over the Darkness, and light – our human awareness -- has become unmanageable. We need to stop and consciously feel – experience – the Darkness.

I would suggest the following exercise:
Close your eyes, and sit quietly with your eyes closed. Experience the physical darkness – the absence of light.

With your eyes still closed, get up and begin to move about. Bump into things. Feel for reference points in the room. Pick up things and try to put them back. Be aware of your sense of disconnectedness, helplessness, and need for Someone who can see what you can’t.

Sit back down with your eyes still closed. Breathe deeply for a few moments.

Gently open your eyes. Write down your observations and experiences of the following questions:
1. What do you feel?
2. What thoughts come to the surface of your brain?
3. What memories seemed to come into your experience?
4. How would you describe your helplessness, and the separation – from mild to incredible loneliness?

Our brains have learned to use physical sensation – primarily visual sight -- as distractions from awareness of the darkness. The sensory and visible world is not real. Only what we experience is real – not our perceptions. And under the influence of human sight and sensation, the

Darkness becomes hidden in the artificial and imaginary brightness of physical light and sound.

Another suggested exercise:
Go into a room of people. Sit in or near the group. Close your eyes, and experience the voices and words – and the distance and perhaps the connection between yourself and them.

Darkness is the absence of the light of Presence – the absence of intimate connection with our higher Presence, others and ourselves. Without this intimate connection, there is no exchange or flow of energy that can empower our brains and souls to feel Presence and love.

Consciously and deliberately experience the Darkness. This will be the beginning for experiencing our higher Presence and spiritual enlightenment through daily inspirations.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .
Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing,
Daily Inspiration Music

Photography/graphics by W. Wass

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