“A consciousness of God’s presence,
as One who loves you,
makes all life different.
The consciousness of God’s love
promotes the opening of your whole being to God.”
Twenty-Four Hours a Day
The normal human condition is one of constriction – closedness – to others, ourselves, and our higher Presence. It is a natural, and generally unconscious reaction to the fear and expectation of ultimately being abandoned – separated from others.
I have learned that there are certain symptoms that frequently remind me of my shame, and my fear of separation:
1. Worry – the mental preoccupation with outcomes related to any person, thing, or situation that catches my attention. My unresolved past attaches to my immediate present, and I live emotionally the neural energies of fear, trying to escape with desperate thought.
2. Anger – when I am irritated, my brain is avoiding shame and separation by bursts of neural energy, generally discharged toward people, things and situations that are not as I think I would like it to be. This is displaced energy, and not true responses.
As my consciousness rises, I become aware that my insides and outsides are tight, tense, and constricted. If it continues for any length of time, I will begin to experience physical symptoms of my illness.
Daily inspirations are about allowing our consciousness to be redirected by “God’s Presence” to an experience of God’s or our higher Presence’s unconditional adoration and affection for us. As we find and experience the cues that are in daily inspirations, we can experience an “opening of our whole being to God”, to ourselves, and to other human beings.
There are various blockages to this opening. One is the human desire or demand for guarantees. How can I know that when I allow higher Presence to open my being, that I will be safe, loved, and nurtured in the future? This is a question that ultimately daily inspirations must begin to “answer”.
“Understanding is the reward of faith.
makes all life different.
The consciousness of God’s love
promotes the opening of your whole being to God.”
Twenty-Four Hours a Day
The normal human condition is one of constriction – closedness – to others, ourselves, and our higher Presence. It is a natural, and generally unconscious reaction to the fear and expectation of ultimately being abandoned – separated from others.
I have learned that there are certain symptoms that frequently remind me of my shame, and my fear of separation:
1. Worry – the mental preoccupation with outcomes related to any person, thing, or situation that catches my attention. My unresolved past attaches to my immediate present, and I live emotionally the neural energies of fear, trying to escape with desperate thought.
2. Anger – when I am irritated, my brain is avoiding shame and separation by bursts of neural energy, generally discharged toward people, things and situations that are not as I think I would like it to be. This is displaced energy, and not true responses.
As my consciousness rises, I become aware that my insides and outsides are tight, tense, and constricted. If it continues for any length of time, I will begin to experience physical symptoms of my illness.
Daily inspirations are about allowing our consciousness to be redirected by “God’s Presence” to an experience of God’s or our higher Presence’s unconditional adoration and affection for us. As we find and experience the cues that are in daily inspirations, we can experience an “opening of our whole being to God”, to ourselves, and to other human beings.
There are various blockages to this opening. One is the human desire or demand for guarantees. How can I know that when I allow higher Presence to open my being, that I will be safe, loved, and nurtured in the future? This is a question that ultimately daily inspirations must begin to “answer”.
“Understanding is the reward of faith.
Therefore seek not to understand that thou mightest believe,
but believe that thou mayest understand.”
Aurelius Augustinus
Faith and belief, in spiritual terms are not thoughts. Traditional religion, being thought based, tends to imply that faith and belief are done by thinking – which is with our brains. Unfortunately, that will not work. The part of the brain that thinks is very tiny. The part of the brain that feels fear and shame is massive. Thought will do little more than distract us from our human condition. Our brains are ultimately not where the spiritual “guarantees” of my life are written.
Daily inspirations teach us how to believe spiritually – to experience an intimate closeness with a Presence that the brain cannot comprehend. The result can be a spiritual enlightenment that transcends thought, and activates our heart to “know” without using our brains to do so. And suddenly there is a peace and confidence that defies and confound mental thought -- and I find my guarantees written on the intuitive tissue of my heart.
My experience is that it was divinely planned by my higher Presence, that I not be able to mentally comprehend the Plan for life – the rhyme and reason of my life. The only way I can know is through an ongoing intimate relationship with my higher Presence -- the goal and outcome of steady and consistent daily inspirations.
One of the barriers I experience is that my brain is rarely silent. It chatters – with details, observations, and projected explanations and expectations. I use daily inspirations to stop, breath, allow my mind to still, and then quietly listen to that “still small voice” of Presence.
Another barrier is “education” – trying to amass enough information mentally into my brain that I can understand and control my life. I have learned that spiritual education is a private matter – it has nothing to do with colleges or schools. Spiritual enlightenment comes from experiences which take my brain beyond my thoughts, into spiritual enlightenments that are self-changing – the rebirth of my lost selves into present Presence.
This spiritual enlightenment is a return to the child who we really are. To survive, we became adults – took responsibility for the uncontrollable, donned masks that hid our wretchedness, suppressed natural emotional experiences with intellectual thinking, and generally lost sight of the beautiful creatures we were created to be.
“Some of our feelings have been stored so long
that they have freezer burn.”
Melodie Beattie
We are using daily inspirations to be restored to who we are underneath all the fire and ice. We are beginning to have “breakthroughs” – more and more transformative experiences -- that are changing our very genetic spiritual structure back to our natural states.
Our higher Presence is reweaving the tapestries of our lives and we becoming beautiful and awesome – children and masters of God’s infinite and unconditional love and grace.
We are becoming truly amazing.
but believe that thou mayest understand.”
Aurelius Augustinus
Faith and belief, in spiritual terms are not thoughts. Traditional religion, being thought based, tends to imply that faith and belief are done by thinking – which is with our brains. Unfortunately, that will not work. The part of the brain that thinks is very tiny. The part of the brain that feels fear and shame is massive. Thought will do little more than distract us from our human condition. Our brains are ultimately not where the spiritual “guarantees” of my life are written.
Daily inspirations teach us how to believe spiritually – to experience an intimate closeness with a Presence that the brain cannot comprehend. The result can be a spiritual enlightenment that transcends thought, and activates our heart to “know” without using our brains to do so. And suddenly there is a peace and confidence that defies and confound mental thought -- and I find my guarantees written on the intuitive tissue of my heart.
My experience is that it was divinely planned by my higher Presence, that I not be able to mentally comprehend the Plan for life – the rhyme and reason of my life. The only way I can know is through an ongoing intimate relationship with my higher Presence -- the goal and outcome of steady and consistent daily inspirations.
One of the barriers I experience is that my brain is rarely silent. It chatters – with details, observations, and projected explanations and expectations. I use daily inspirations to stop, breath, allow my mind to still, and then quietly listen to that “still small voice” of Presence.
Another barrier is “education” – trying to amass enough information mentally into my brain that I can understand and control my life. I have learned that spiritual education is a private matter – it has nothing to do with colleges or schools. Spiritual enlightenment comes from experiences which take my brain beyond my thoughts, into spiritual enlightenments that are self-changing – the rebirth of my lost selves into present Presence.
This spiritual enlightenment is a return to the child who we really are. To survive, we became adults – took responsibility for the uncontrollable, donned masks that hid our wretchedness, suppressed natural emotional experiences with intellectual thinking, and generally lost sight of the beautiful creatures we were created to be.
“Some of our feelings have been stored so long
that they have freezer burn.”
Melodie Beattie
We are using daily inspirations to be restored to who we are underneath all the fire and ice. We are beginning to have “breakthroughs” – more and more transformative experiences -- that are changing our very genetic spiritual structure back to our natural states.
Our higher Presence is reweaving the tapestries of our lives and we becoming beautiful and awesome – children and masters of God’s infinite and unconditional love and grace.
We are becoming truly amazing.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing, Daily Inspiration Music
Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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