The world doesn’t need supermen or women, but super-natural people. People who will turn the self out of their lives and let Divine Power work through them. Let inspiration take the place of aspirations. Seek to grow spiritually, rather than to acquire fame and riches. Our chief ambition should be to be used by God. The Divine Force is sufficient for all the spiritual work in the world. God only needs the instruments for His use. His instruments can remake the world.
Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may be an instrument of the Divine Power. I pray that I may do my share in remaking the world.
I realize sometimes that I am just an instrument, a channel, a conduit for a spirit far greater than myself. There is something truthful coming through me, partly because I am so emptied by (Way of Darkness) that I am not sitting around controlling things anymore. The (Way of Darkness) is an immense experience of divinity for people. We all have it because we are all creative at some level of our being. This is the experience of cocreation. We realize that, “My God, we are creating with God and God needs us to create.”
Matthew Fox
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