The chief pang of most trials is not so much the actual suffering itself as our own spirit of resistance to it.
Jean Nicholas Grou
Jean Nicholas Grou
Life is a stream of energy – experienced by our brains as an erratic and repetitive flow of neural energy:
sensation -->perception-->reaction-->action-->sensation and recycling on and on and on.
Were there no blocks or resistance to our inner flow, life would be a steady conscious stream of white light consciousness, with no thought, with no past or future, with no darkness or shadows, -- and most importantly with no suffering or pain – the ultimate in spiritual enlightenment.
Generally speaking we are only conscious of a very little of the actual suffering that is occurring inside of us. The primitive part of our brains is successfully anesthetizing our cerebral cortex with thought, and we seldom feel our deepest pains and fears.
The gift of problems –“trials” – is that they bring our suffering into conscious experience – possibilities for spiritual enlightenment. Otherwise, we would suffer our whole lives- in quiet desperation -- without ever having an opportunity to heal and become free to live within life’s precious moments.
In my experience and perception, humanness is a disease. The state of being human means that we are naturally separated and disconnected from others, then from God, resulting in final disconnectedness from ourselves. This disconnectedness causes a deficiency of intimate Presence – which is as important as air – and we resist the pain, shame, and fear – our inner storms of raging energy.
This resistance causes a constriction in the flow of Presence into our lives, and the flow of our own spiritual energies outward -- and we suffer massive amounts of sadness, loneliness, and fear – the ultimate result of resistance of anticipated outcomes, and of anticipated pain.
We need to have our inner flow of Presence restored – spiritual enlightenment -- or our human illness will continue until it physically and mentally destroys us.
My level of resistance – and constriction – and suffering is indirectly proportional to my level of conscious higher Presence – conscious intimate contact with God – my consistency of precious moments with God. To find serenity and meaning, I have to increase the frequency and volume of my conscious interaction with God – spiritual enlightenment.
Here are some ways that have worked for me:
The time is now to become spiritually conscious through God’s Presence and love – spiritual enlightenment -- and release our suffering to the healing heart of God.
Resistance is futile.
Experience Life's Precious Moments
Precious Moments
Precious Moments
Precious Moments
sensation -->perception-->reaction-->action-->sensation and recycling on and on and on.
Were there no blocks or resistance to our inner flow, life would be a steady conscious stream of white light consciousness, with no thought, with no past or future, with no darkness or shadows, -- and most importantly with no suffering or pain – the ultimate in spiritual enlightenment.
Generally speaking we are only conscious of a very little of the actual suffering that is occurring inside of us. The primitive part of our brains is successfully anesthetizing our cerebral cortex with thought, and we seldom feel our deepest pains and fears.
The gift of problems –“trials” – is that they bring our suffering into conscious experience – possibilities for spiritual enlightenment. Otherwise, we would suffer our whole lives- in quiet desperation -- without ever having an opportunity to heal and become free to live within life’s precious moments.
In my experience and perception, humanness is a disease. The state of being human means that we are naturally separated and disconnected from others, then from God, resulting in final disconnectedness from ourselves. This disconnectedness causes a deficiency of intimate Presence – which is as important as air – and we resist the pain, shame, and fear – our inner storms of raging energy.
This resistance causes a constriction in the flow of Presence into our lives, and the flow of our own spiritual energies outward -- and we suffer massive amounts of sadness, loneliness, and fear – the ultimate result of resistance of anticipated outcomes, and of anticipated pain.
We need to have our inner flow of Presence restored – spiritual enlightenment -- or our human illness will continue until it physically and mentally destroys us.
My level of resistance – and constriction – and suffering is indirectly proportional to my level of conscious higher Presence – conscious intimate contact with God – my consistency of precious moments with God. To find serenity and meaning, I have to increase the frequency and volume of my conscious interaction with God – spiritual enlightenment.
Here are some ways that have worked for me:
1. I consciously remind myself – verbally, and sometimes in writing – that I cannot use my will and intellect to reduce my resistance and suffering. By myself, I am totally powerless and my perceptions are completely unmanageable.
2. I speak and talk to others – listening quietly, with minimal thinking to the energy in their words. I have experienced for over twenty years that God will speak through anyone to whom I listen to, to the extent that I have accepted my powerlessness. When I listen to other’s words, I experience an warm, nurturing energy, which I have learned to call Presence. It is not the words and thoughts themselves, but the spiritual connection that occurs when we speak and listen to each other.
3. I do something. Almost anything will do, as long as it done with the conscious intent to trust God with my inner self, and with my life’s outcomes. It works for me to consciously breathe, consciously type the next letter on my computer, feel the pressure and motion of each next step -- to conscious experience my inner resistance, and flow into each next precious moment.
2. I speak and talk to others – listening quietly, with minimal thinking to the energy in their words. I have experienced for over twenty years that God will speak through anyone to whom I listen to, to the extent that I have accepted my powerlessness. When I listen to other’s words, I experience an warm, nurturing energy, which I have learned to call Presence. It is not the words and thoughts themselves, but the spiritual connection that occurs when we speak and listen to each other.
3. I do something. Almost anything will do, as long as it done with the conscious intent to trust God with my inner self, and with my life’s outcomes. It works for me to consciously breathe, consciously type the next letter on my computer, feel the pressure and motion of each next step -- to conscious experience my inner resistance, and flow into each next precious moment.
The time is now to become spiritually conscious through God’s Presence and love – spiritual enlightenment -- and release our suffering to the healing heart of God.
Resistance is futile.

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Photography/graphics by W. Wass
Experience Life's Precious Moments
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