Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger -- misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good, that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding, and that there is always tomorrow.
Dorothy Thompson
In January, 2003, Liz was diagnosed with a reoccurrence of colon cancer -- the second time since her original diagnosis in 1995. It was beginning to affect her back and left leg. causing incredible pain, and difficulty walking. The picture above was taken two to three weeks before she died -- in 2005. She was on her way to a support group that had been a major part of her life for fourteen years, and lunch with her friends. I really don't remember if she was actually able to go to lunch -- but that was her intent when we left the house.
I took the picture -- and lots of similar pictures -- because I was so impressed with her incredible courage. I don't believe I could have done what she did.
Courage -- I think it's about perception and our relationship with a God of our personal experience and relationship. Courage is seeing into life and its myriad facets of events, circumstances and outcomes -- and seeing a meaning and purpose that cannot be seen with human eyes -- it can only be experienced by a human heart filled with God's Presence.
Courage is believing the unseen -- and living each moment -- each breath -- in the currents and waves of the unknown and uncontrollable -- opening ourselves to feel and experience and risk being fully human -- and loved fully spiritual.
We are the chosen, the called, the awake and present -- we are meant to live "heart wide open" -- to become "rivers of loving life" to others by being human and spiritually present -- all in the same moment.
Conscious life takes courage -- it requires God's Presence -- it involves a willingness to grieve and hurt and be sad -- and to risk joy and serenity, and closeness with God.
It take courage to do more than just believe in God -- instead to actively live in intimate Presence with God.
There will always be a tomorrow -- I believe Liz "knew" that -- even if it is means leaving --
and going Home.
Courage -- remembering not to forget.

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Photography/graphics by W. Wass
Experience Life's Precious Moments
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