Liz died of colon cancer January 28, 2005.
For many years I searched for God's language. How does He and She communicate and interact? What words and thoughts reach their hearts and connects mine to theirs? I wanted to speak to my higher Presence -- God.
I read books, studied theology, and the Bible, listened to teachers and ministers. And I was no better off -- even more hopelessly alone -- without contact and conversation.
One day -- I don't remember the exact day -- I was so desperate and lost, and I began to write to God -- my thoughts, words, feelings -- then I breathed deeply and consciously -- and I listened -- for some sound of someone there, with me, listening and caring about me.
As I listened -- a still small voice -- without mental words -- someone there -- with me in my darkness -- and I felt a calming, loving Presence -- deep down where I had never been -- and I knew -- I experienced -- I am not alone -- even in death -- I will not be alone.
I am learning each day to speak -- and listen -- in Presence

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Daily Inspirational Clothing, Daily Inspiration Music
Photography/graphics by W. Wass
Experience Life's Precious Moments
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