God is presence, warm, all-enfolding, touching
The drab world into brilliance, lifting
The sad heart into song, indescribable, beyond
Yet by a bird’s note, a chord of music,
A light at sunset, a sudden movement of rapt insight,
A touch of love, making the whole universe
A safe home for the soul.
Anonymous (1st Century AD)
Let’s take some deep breaths and listen gently to the words of this inspirational life quote.
What do we hear? What appears on the conscious screens of our minds? What do we experience on the edges of our consciousness? When thought ends for a moment, where do we find ourselves? And where do we find ourselves when thought reemerges. Listen gently……………..
Stopping to listen. A sound ripples across my brain. A warm, somehow all encompassing energy – personal and unconditional – gently flows into my conscious feeling thoughts. A livingness emerges on the edges of what was and is – touchings of someone beyond me – comforting spiritual Presence.
My challenge -- my brain’s perceptions and reactions. I cannot see except what I am – and without Presence, all seems very drab and lifeless – bleak and desolate.
Silence. A sadness – many sadnesses – merging softly -- as warming Presence flows in growing brilliance – changing the beats of my heart into streams of lifting loving connecting experiences. Light and sound, breathing, beating heart, flowing Presence, wisps and mists of growing closeness – beyond my brain’s programming to understand, predict, or know.
Small sensory events – sounds, changes in motion and light, glances and brushes of affection and truth – emerging awareness of a place, within my heart, a home, a loved place, where higher Presence gives safety from the world’s dreaded and anticpated separation. Flowing energies of affections – coming into conscious view -- touch – Presence. What comes, what goes, what becomes – we can be -- in intimate Presence.
God is Presence.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing, Daily Inspiration Music
Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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