Love is something that, if you give it away,
you end up having more.
Malvina Reynolds
Over the years, I have heard religious leaders advocate a spiritual “Law of Prosperity” – which generally means, in simplest terms, that we give material things away to get material things. Not necessarily a harmful thought, unless the person advocating this is wanting us to give material things to them – which seems like a possible conflict of interests.
In my experience, there is a “principle” of spiritual prosperity that could include giving of our material possessions, but is much broader in actual application. This spiritual principle involves directly influencing our quality of living -- spiritual prosperity and spiritual enlightenment -- by “giving “ to others precious moments -- of ourselves. This giving may include material things but – more importantly – gifts of our presence, care, and personal attention.
A significant portion of our world’s population suffers from the absence of adequate food. All human beings, on some level, suffer from an absence of intimate, caring presence. All human beings hunger for closeness, acceptance, companionship, and personal connection.
The best way to get our love needs met is to give love away – every chance we get. This is the truest path to precious moments and spiritual enlightenment
There are two main ways that I have experienced this working:
The first is that when we give love and presence to others, we are able to open a spiritual connection to our God that allows us to access God’s higher Presence. When two more connect in a spirit of unconditional love and caring for each other, they invite God’s Presence into their midst in amazing and wonderful ways. The whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. This is a very powerful form of spiritual enlightenment.
The second way loving others works is experienced in the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule states, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you,” because whatever we do to others, we are doing to ourselves – at the same time.
When we love -- or harm others, we receive our own love -- or harm -- no matter what the others’ responses may be. Without spiritual enlightenment, we may lack the consciousness to experience this truth. But if we observe closely and consciously, we will see and experience this truth: loving others is actually loving ourselves.
Today – one precious moment at a time --I am wishing us love and caring Presence – with God, with others – and with ourselves.

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Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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