Let God love you through others, and let God love others through you.
D.M. Street
In the Bible, there is a reference to how “God became flesh and dwelt among us,” referring to Jesus. And Jesus said, “these things that I do shall you do – and greater things.” To me, these references describe the need, and the resources we as human beings have for a “flesh and blood” connection to God’s higher loving Presence – spiritual enlightenment. The challenge with this spiritual awareness is how to get past each other’s humanness to access the spiritual Presence we all possess. Many times we are distracted by what is often referred to as “ego” -- a barrier to seeing and experiencing the God Presence within each of us. There is a resistance that forms inside of us when we are not consciously experiencing my own humanness and weakness – and God’s Presence. In this state, a separation occurs within ourselves, and a separate protective and artificial self appears – our ego. In its protectiveness, this ego version of our selves actually sabotages our ability to experience of God’s Presence through others. In protecting me, my “ego” actually destroys the possibility of having the intimacy and closeness that is available and present. This ego protective self does this in two ways: 1. First it distorts what others are communicating – verbally and nonverbally – recreating the separation and abandonments of my past – in the present. My “ego” replays the “tapes” of my wounded past within my current relationships as if it is occurring right now and with this specific person. It actually creates a hallucination of perception with corresponding distorted mental reactions and reactive actions. 2. Second the ego self rejects others – in the attempt to protect me – and actually creates the separation and abandonment that it is trying to prevent. To reverse this process, we must begin to let God love us – through others – especially letting God love our protective ego selves. As I experience consciously my ego, and turn this wounded part of me over to God’s love through others, an energy begins to flow into me – a higher spiritual Presence – an emerging spiritual enlightenment. We are able to begin reliving our past and have different outcomes. To continue this process, we need to also begin to let our God love others through us. The energy that flows through us to others creates an equal and greater level of loving Presence for us than we have given. Let’s receive God’s unconditional loving Presence through others, and consciously send the same loving Presence to others through ourselves. Life will never be the same – it will be a better place by Their design. 
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Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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