My life is the product of my level of spiritual enlightenment, created and maintained by a steady diet of daily inspirations, and supported by spiritual coaching. In maintaining my spiritual life, I need spiritual principles – living guidelines – which direct and fashion my spiritual journey toward the spiritual enlightenment I am seeking.
Spiritual Enlightenment Begins with Human Experience
Over 22 years ago, my life was an absolute wreck – at least inside. The sewage of my past was leaking into my present, and I was emotionally and spiritually ill – my feelings crashed like huge tidal waves of neural energy, knocking me senseless -- wounding me even more – and there was seemingly no presence or Presence – I was hopelessly and helpless alone inside.
In the pits of my humanness, someone suggested and introduced me to twelve spiritual principles – adapted from the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. In my desperation, I grabbed hold, became involved in spiritual coaching, and began to practice these spiritual principles and daily inspirations “in all my affairs”.
Spiritual Principles Are Not Answers –They Are Solutions
Having been a therapist for nearly ten years at the time, I had “answers” – and with these answers I was able to help others -- but these answers failed to help me. I have since realized that “answers” are mental illusions that deceive me into believing that I understand my problems and can therefore control the outcomes of my life. Answers are not solutions -- solutions can really change my life. What is frequently being sold in the market place of self-help and therapy are answers and not solutions.
Answers did “work” temporarily at times. I was able to use my thoughts to anesthetize my feelings, creating an artificial state of well being. Answers are information without experience and higher Presence – facts without the means to spiritually enlightened – serving only to convince me that I know what I need in order to control my life. I become responsible for what happens, no matter what.
Over the course of the last twenty-two years, from personal and from professional experience, I have revised these twelve spiritual principles to fit any and all life challenges – chronic or temporary. I would like to introduce these spiritual principles and my “practice” of them as a means of living daily inspirations that brings major spiritual enlightenment, through spiritual coaching.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts . Daily Inspirations Readings Daily Inspirational Clothing, Daily Inspiration Music
Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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