To change, we must become willing to experience a certain level of discomfort.
Marie Lindquist
Marie Lindquist
I have tried to change my self, and my life ever since I can remember. I believed that I would be “happy” if something changed. The problem was that “things” have changed over the course of my life, but it never really brought happiness. I did not know that real happiness was not connected to “things” -- at least not external things.
Do you want the best of life? Then live as near as possible to God, the Master and Giver of all Life.
Twenty Four Hours
Change began with level of discomfort that made me willing to listen. Then I learned to listen to a higher Voice speaking through others. I began to realize that when I listened, I heard a higher Presence, and as I listened to this higher Presence, we got to know each other -- intimately And that has made all the difference.
I began to experience a closeness to others, to myself, and to my higher Presence that began to change the most important factor in my life – my perceptions. I found daily inspirations within others, within inspirational readings, within life events, and within the seemingly accidental off hand comments of strangers. I was listening and hearing and experiencing changes that my brain could not produce or imagine.
Change – a neverending pattern of miracles unleashed by a deeper experience of self.
Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson
As I connected with my higher Presence, I began to be freed – I began to experience life directly and without interference – I became more a natural child with higher Parents. Messages began to appear more and more often. Daily inspirations became moment to moment inspirations I would stress and strain for hours for the meaning of something, to have it appear in an instant of Presence -- when I listened.
Our soul is nurtured and fed by taking pleasure in the beauty in this world.
Melodie Beattie
Melodie Beattie
Experience of daily inspirations produced an intuitive connection that changed my world of perceptions, and made life became very different.
I learned how to ask for help, and listen. I had been trapped inside my pain – some nameless, faceless version of myself was tearing my insides apart – trying to get out. I would freeze, thinking it would go away if I didn’t move. It never did.
And now I am actively listening – and experiencing change. I am becoming – different – and better. I am being freed from the prison of my brain by a continuous experience of daily inspirations – and a neverending flow of inner miracles of Presence.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing, Daily Inspiration Music
Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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