My silence pounds walls of repetitive wordings,
living encapsulating in blocks of sound,
flashes of remembering
the unforgotten swirls of past moments –
events and experiences in the “Now”
of my human beingness.
Every object, event, coated
in emotional energy and glistening
with presence and absence – won and lost.
My mind has fashioned,
and reconstructed…
so many selves of experience…
into narrow streams of solidified thought….
Dammed by survival…
resisting possible fluidity…
walls of blindness created in desperate silence…
I am….
We are…..
from desolation and destruction…..
looking … for what is still hidden…
so deep….
in the presents of the past.
From my Journal: March 5, 2008
WOW! This has a total concept in it--I'll need awhile to digest it. Very real; very true. You've given me my work/thoughts for today. Thank you.