Who listens to Reason is lost:
Reason enslaves all
whose minds are not strong enough to master her.
Reason enslaves all
whose minds are not strong enough to master her.
George Bernard Shaw
As an adolescent, I idolized Mr. Spock from Star Trek. I perceived him as perfect reasoning and logic without the hindrances of human emotion. When I have rewatched episodes in recent years, I realized that somehow my mind had filtered out his very human struggle to manage reason and emotion.
In the first of the Star Trek movies, Mr. Spock secretly leaves the ship to contact this enormous consciousness and force called Vyger. His whole reason for participating in this mission was to link mentally with this entity which was pure, 100% reasoning.
While away from the ship, Mr. Spock initiates a Vulcan mind meld with the entity, and connects to the conscious mind that is pure reasoning. There is an explosion of some energy, and Mr. Spock is blow back toward the Enterprise. When he is picked up, he is laughing – totally out of character for a Vulcan. When his friends ask him why he is laughing, he responds, “That creature is pure logic and reasoning. And he is asking one question: “Is This All That There Is?’”
The sad part of our personal stories is that the conscious reasoning and logical part of our brain, that we glorify and honor as the greatest part of us, has no ability to experience and be more than thought. It explains, analyzes, understands, questions, and “knows” – but it has no ability to experience love and Presence, closeness and meaning, precious moments and spiritual enlightenment.
The reasoning part of our brain is really a prison – with walls and walls of thought – contaminated by our unresolved pasts – destined to live and die alone and forgotten – in a seething sea of darkness.
With reasoning, we are told that we know and can know – and therefore we can understand – and therefore we can control the outcomes of our lives, if we try hard enough – and finally therefore we can make ourselves happy and serene.
These messages are not true. Reasoning is like a precocious and mentally alert child who cannot tie his own shoes, or feed himself. He is clever, and insightful, but one dimensional – linear in thought. His brain processes do not include the width and depth of emotion and intimate presence.
Because our reasoning brains tell us that we can know, we do not naturally seek the closeness and higher Presence of connection with others. And we become and are slaves to our brain’s perceptions and reactions. Reasoning hides our consciousness of our injuries and our illnesses, and so we do not seek the spiritual enlightenment of consistent reliance and dependence on God. We are forced to do whatever our brains tell us to do.
So how do we master Reasoning?
Actually we don’t. We can’t. That is the starting point. No amount of will can override my brains delusions. The beginning of mastery is to admit and experience that I cannot master and overcome my brain. Its programming does not allow me to have access and control.
From acceptance that we are powerless over our brains, and our perceptions and reactions have become unmanageable, we move to accessing spiritual resources that can change the imbalance of power. Daily inspirations, living in precious moments vs lifetimes, and spiritual Presence of our God, through others – bring the changes in neural brain functioning that produces spiritual enlightenment to replace mental intellect.
This acceptance and accessing of spiritual resources – precious moments and daily inspirations – leads to actively living in God’s Presence as acts of trust and intimacy. Our movement takes us beyond the walls of reasoning and thought into a world of light, love, serenity, and wondrous anticipation – what lies before us is infinitely possible, and exciting – when we are not alone.
We have begun to escape the past, and to live in the precious moments of spiritual enlightenment. We are abandoning our reasoning and rediscovering our truth – our true and loving selves.
In the first of the Star Trek movies, Mr. Spock secretly leaves the ship to contact this enormous consciousness and force called Vyger. His whole reason for participating in this mission was to link mentally with this entity which was pure, 100% reasoning.
While away from the ship, Mr. Spock initiates a Vulcan mind meld with the entity, and connects to the conscious mind that is pure reasoning. There is an explosion of some energy, and Mr. Spock is blow back toward the Enterprise. When he is picked up, he is laughing – totally out of character for a Vulcan. When his friends ask him why he is laughing, he responds, “That creature is pure logic and reasoning. And he is asking one question: “Is This All That There Is?’”
The sad part of our personal stories is that the conscious reasoning and logical part of our brain, that we glorify and honor as the greatest part of us, has no ability to experience and be more than thought. It explains, analyzes, understands, questions, and “knows” – but it has no ability to experience love and Presence, closeness and meaning, precious moments and spiritual enlightenment.
The reasoning part of our brain is really a prison – with walls and walls of thought – contaminated by our unresolved pasts – destined to live and die alone and forgotten – in a seething sea of darkness.
With reasoning, we are told that we know and can know – and therefore we can understand – and therefore we can control the outcomes of our lives, if we try hard enough – and finally therefore we can make ourselves happy and serene.
These messages are not true. Reasoning is like a precocious and mentally alert child who cannot tie his own shoes, or feed himself. He is clever, and insightful, but one dimensional – linear in thought. His brain processes do not include the width and depth of emotion and intimate presence.
Because our reasoning brains tell us that we can know, we do not naturally seek the closeness and higher Presence of connection with others. And we become and are slaves to our brain’s perceptions and reactions. Reasoning hides our consciousness of our injuries and our illnesses, and so we do not seek the spiritual enlightenment of consistent reliance and dependence on God. We are forced to do whatever our brains tell us to do.
So how do we master Reasoning?
Actually we don’t. We can’t. That is the starting point. No amount of will can override my brains delusions. The beginning of mastery is to admit and experience that I cannot master and overcome my brain. Its programming does not allow me to have access and control.
From acceptance that we are powerless over our brains, and our perceptions and reactions have become unmanageable, we move to accessing spiritual resources that can change the imbalance of power. Daily inspirations, living in precious moments vs lifetimes, and spiritual Presence of our God, through others – bring the changes in neural brain functioning that produces spiritual enlightenment to replace mental intellect.
This acceptance and accessing of spiritual resources – precious moments and daily inspirations – leads to actively living in God’s Presence as acts of trust and intimacy. Our movement takes us beyond the walls of reasoning and thought into a world of light, love, serenity, and wondrous anticipation – what lies before us is infinitely possible, and exciting – when we are not alone.
We have begun to escape the past, and to live in the precious moments of spiritual enlightenment. We are abandoning our reasoning and rediscovering our truth – our true and loving selves.

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Photography/graphics by W. Wass
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