The following is an inspirational life quote from one such book:
There exists a mystic Power that is able to transform your life so thoroughly, so radically, so completely, that when the process is completed your own friends would hardly be able to recognize you, and in fact, you would scarcely be able to recognize yourself.
Emmet Fox

These are words. These words are organized into thoughts. The thoughts are inspirational because they describe the hope and change possible when we develop consistent routines of finding daily inspirations, and living in their energy and strength.
However, there is more to inspirational life quotes and words than the thoughts they produce. I have experienced a deeper level of inspiration, which I believe is available to all who pursue their power.
Understanding Me: My brain operates on the presence or absence of Presence – disconnection or intimacy with my Self, others, and a higher Presence. Disconnection and absence of presence is traumatic – painful and frightening – the ultimate separation feared being death.
The part of me that thinks, reasons, and seems to makes decisions is only the mask that I present to others – and to myself. In a natural state of existence, the primitive part of my brain, which some call the “reptilian brain”, actually has a controlling interest in what I perceive, how I react emotionally, and what I ultimately do and say.
In a natural state of human being, these two parts of my brain operate independent of each other, as long as the neural energy of my brain is stable.
Separation and Abandonment: When I have experienced massive separation from others, I was also separated from my Self, and my higher Presence. At these times, the neural energy of my brain became unstable. At that point, my primitive brain took over, and there was no longer a “will” or choices, or reasonable decision-making. My brain went into survival mode, and my brain did whatever is necessary to reduce the perceived ”threat” of neural overload.
Because of the frequency and intensity of my past separation experiences, my primitive brain has created an unconscious mind, which is maintained by reducing the amount of sensation that my senses receive (for example, forgetfulness, and being oblivious to details right in front of me.). And my unconscious mind is maintained by suppressing past experiences – especially the undischarged energy that were activated with the separations.
So, my senses do not perceive accurately because sensory receptors are turned of, and because intellectually the perceptual part of my reasoning and thinking mind is neutralized. And my reactions are muted by automatically suppressed neural energies, whether unresolved from the past or activated by the present.
So what does all of this have to do with finding daily inspirations, and experiencing their inspiring life messages?
In my experience, the only thing that restores the connections between the disconnected parts of my brain, and allows the past to be discharged from the present is the conscious contact with a personal, intimate Presence. And the most effective means of this occurring is learning to listen to and experience inspirational life quotes and words as if they were being spoken personally and intimately to me by my higher Presence.
This requires us to bypass mere thoughts and words and move into experience and feelings, in order to open our deeper selves to our higher Presence. This is the crux and core of finding daily inspiration that can inspire and change our lives.

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