Daily Inspirations:
Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.
Marianne Williamson
Except ye become as a little child, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven…The kingdom of heaven is within you.
Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.
Marianne Williamson
Except ye become as a little child, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven…The kingdom of heaven is within you.
The material world operates based on outcomes. Every interaction with a person, object, or circumstance is ultimately judged as being either good or bad – based on outcomes. And in this system, every moment of human existence within the brain neural network is assigned these same judgments of “good” or “bad”. With every “good”, there is a sense of connection and Presence. With every “bad”, there is an experience of separation and abandonment.
As we grow older, we collect more and more of these separation experiences – bad’s without corresponding good’s -- and therefore, abandonment and shame dominates our brain’s programming.
Whenever we perceive that we have done something “bad”, we instinctively separate from ourselves, our higher Presence, and others. And in that separation, there emerges a growing and free floating fear of impending doom – impending and ultimate separation. The more separation we experience, and the more fear dominates our perceptions of and reactions to life.
We have been programmed by alternating closeness and separation to believe that we can control our relationships with others – we are responsible for their outcomes. And when relationships fail, it is perceived as being our “fault”, and that we are “bad” – deserving to be separated, alone, and abandoned.
Then as other life events happen, they trigger the unresolved programming of our past, and we experience even more separation, even when separation is not what is actually occurring. We are now programmed to expect separation, abandonment, punishment, and abuse – because the programming says that is what we deserve. Daily inspirations become daily desperations – trying to avoid the seemingly inevitable.
Finding daily inspirations is a way of beginning to have our hearts reprogrammed – to begin to experience what is true --from an unconditionally loving and accepting and adoring higher Presence. This inspirational Presence – through the daily inspirations in readings, quotes, and others’ voices – begins to improve relationships with ourselves and others, allowing closeness, and supportive sharing to emerge -- bringing spiritual awakenings and insights – allowing us to transcend material life – allowing us to be reprogrammed by our daily inspirations.
We begin to return to the simplicity and serenity of healthy children – loved, secure, and nurtured in the experience of permanent and inspired intimacy --where no one is ever “bad” -- and no one is ever abandoned and alone.
The material world operates based on outcomes. Every interaction with a person, object, or circumstance is ultimately judged as being either good or bad – based on outcomes. And in this system, every moment of human existence within the brain neural network is assigned these same judgments of “good” or “bad”. With every “good”, there is a sense of connection and Presence. With every “bad”, there is an experience of separation and abandonment.
As we grow older, we collect more and more of these separation experiences – bad’s without corresponding good’s -- and therefore, abandonment and shame dominates our brain’s programming.
Whenever we perceive that we have done something “bad”, we instinctively separate from ourselves, our higher Presence, and others. And in that separation, there emerges a growing and free floating fear of impending doom – impending and ultimate separation. The more separation we experience, and the more fear dominates our perceptions of and reactions to life.
We have been programmed by alternating closeness and separation to believe that we can control our relationships with others – we are responsible for their outcomes. And when relationships fail, it is perceived as being our “fault”, and that we are “bad” – deserving to be separated, alone, and abandoned.
Then as other life events happen, they trigger the unresolved programming of our past, and we experience even more separation, even when separation is not what is actually occurring. We are now programmed to expect separation, abandonment, punishment, and abuse – because the programming says that is what we deserve. Daily inspirations become daily desperations – trying to avoid the seemingly inevitable.
Finding daily inspirations is a way of beginning to have our hearts reprogrammed – to begin to experience what is true --from an unconditionally loving and accepting and adoring higher Presence. This inspirational Presence – through the daily inspirations in readings, quotes, and others’ voices – begins to improve relationships with ourselves and others, allowing closeness, and supportive sharing to emerge -- bringing spiritual awakenings and insights – allowing us to transcend material life – allowing us to be reprogrammed by our daily inspirations.
We begin to return to the simplicity and serenity of healthy children – loved, secure, and nurtured in the experience of permanent and inspired intimacy --where no one is ever “bad” -- and no one is ever abandoned and alone.
With the support and sustenance of our daily inspirations, our heart once again becomes our home.

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing, Daily Inspirations Music
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