What most of us want is to be heard – to communicate.
Dory Previn
The greatest gift we can give a person is rapt attention.
Recently I have been asking my God and my selves why I want to write, express, and communicate. As I have listened, what I have heard is that I want to reach out and touch others with my experience, strength, and hope – because in those moments, I feel most clearly the loving life changing touch of my very Present God. To have Presence that transforms my life with new and loving energies, I must give Presence to others. I want “to be heard”.
The Golden “Principle”
Consider the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Religion has made this statement into a moral mandate about how we should not mistreat others. I experience that the Golden Rule is actually a loving suggestion related to improving our conscious contact with God and ourselves by “loving others” – unconditionally. It gives us a principle of intimacy with others that benefits us, not a warning that we will be punished if we are bad.
The Apostle John wrote, “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God, and knows God. He that loves not, does not know God: for God is love.”
“Understanding” Inspirational Life Quotes
Before I discuss this quote, I want to reference something that is important to me about how I “understand” Biblical inspirational life quotes. I will be writing more about this later.
Having studied the Bible and religion academically and intellectually since I was a child, I have experienced how worthless and even harmful this specific method of understanding scriptures can be. So I had to be given another way to experience spiritually related words, and their energy and life meanings. The way that I have been given is what I presently call “experiential intimacy”. This involves having a personal and interactive relationship with my God, where I come to “know” by being with Them, and by listening to their words and responses. So when I share my perceptions of scriptures or other inspirational life quotes, I am sharing my personal experience with my God – He and She -- , and I am sharing what I “hear” them saying as I listen and speak to Them.
The Love Principle
Let’s look at this Biblical quote again: “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God, and knows God. He that loves not, does not know God: for God is love.”
First, I am aware that religion makes “love” a rule and not a spiritual life principle. Love cannot be legislated. If it is not there, it is not there. And we are only using warm fuzzy masks to cover up the separation and loneliness we are experiencing with others and ourselves. We can only give what we have.
Next, what in the world is “love”? It is a term that we humans use frequently arbitrarily as if everyone knows and agrees on what it means. Not really true.
I have experienced that my God’s love is Their unconditional and unending caring for me – without rules, conditions, judgments or any form of separation by Them. I experience that they see me as being perfect and wonderful – you, too – and They are only concerned about our inability to see ourselves as they do. And, by the way, they know everything – there are no secrets with Them – and They still see us as perfect and wonderful.
Love as Action – Touching Hearts
Another part of “love” from my experience with Them is that it involves action – being actively Present. They are emotionally attentive, courteous, thoughtful, encouraging, playful, humorous – and very honest and direct. They actively “touch” my heart and I can feel Their unconditional warmth and Presence.
“Let us love one another” – as our God does – for love is our God’s gift of intimate Presence to us. When we give our presence to others – when we touch others -- we experience a higher Presence of our God than we are capable of by ourselves.
Gifts of Loving
Every one who gives unconditional Presence is given two gifts:
1. First, we are “born” of God. I experience this as a rebirthing transformation of my being. In the warm and unconditional loving womb of their Presence, I began to be reborn out of my human, shame based, conditional genetic makeup. I began to become transformed into the loving truth of Their being. And as I “touch” and love others, I become increasingly reborn into Their loving “image” – I begin to take on their spiritual genetic makeup. They are spiritually, in fact, my real Parents.
2. Second, we come to “know” God. Mankind, religion, and the human brain makes this word mean, “we come to understand God intellectually, with our brains.” For me, “knowing” is an intimate experience of growing conscious closeness and interaction. My experience is that the “kingdom of God is within us” – within the sacred intimacy that They offer and that is infinitely possible for us.
When we do not lovingly “touch” others with our spiritual presence, we become disconnected from God, from ourselves, and from other human beings – not because our God is punishing us, but because our humanness has separated us.
The essence of my God is “love” – total, unconditional, caring, “touching” and interactive Presence. That is who They are. That is who we really are. Life more abundant is the active sharing of that “love” with others – which reconnects us to our God and ourselves.
Love – Grief and Loss
Because grief and loss is something that I help many people with, I like to reference this topic in each of my articles. What actually creates “loss” is a loss of presence – loving connection with others. It can occur with death, where we experience a loss of conscious contact with the person who is deceased. And it occurs every time someone was unable to “love” us – and whenever we were unable to love them. In my experience, there is a collective effect of losses over time, and there are violent and sudden losses of presence, for example, divorce and physical abuse. The most effective way I have found to grieve and “digest” loss is by finding others who want and can accept my “love” , and give them my presence and attention on a steady and regular basis – while receiving the same from available others and my God.
Love and Finding Daily Inspirations
Another important topic related to each article is “finding daily inspirations”. In order to available for, and in order to maintain spiritual awakenings, we must have steady, dependable, and effective sources of our God’s Presence. Otherwise, we go as far as our spiritual resources, and have to stop. Or we find ourselves losing what we have gained. I encourage you to find your own spiritual words, persons, and groups that give you optimum connection to your God – daily inspirations – and live with them rather than just visit.
To be continued…..

Daily Inspirations Jewelry and Gifts .Daily Inspirations Readings
Daily Inspirational Clothing, Daily Inspiration Music
Photography/graphics by W. Wass
Thanks, I could read & get all the way through this writing & understand without being overwhelmed.